Year 3 Report

Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2!  


Welcome to Term 2! We are so excited for all of the fun, interesting and meaningful learning experiences that Grade 3 students will have this term. 



This term in Reading, the Grade 3 students will focus on realistic fiction. Over the term students will understand the text structure and features of realistic fiction. They will have opportunities to look at the difference between fantasy stories and realistic stories.  The students will explore a variety of texts and will be given opportunities to look at authors craft, critique stories and use inference to deepen their understanding.


Below are some examples of realistic fiction suitable for most grade 3 students. 

Lots of stories including realistic fiction are available on Story Box Library at which has a free sign up with a local Hume library membership. Student about able to watch and enjoy lots of books  


In Writing, the Grade 3 students will further develop their understanding of elements of a realistic fiction in order to entertain an audience. They will learn how to develop characters and settings, as well as events using a variety of language devices.  The students will also have opportunities to learn how to revise and edit their work. We have begun with planning idea by using the tap it out method and sharing our story ideas with a partner and making sure our stories were REAL and could happen 'just like us'.

In Maths, the students are looking at addition and subtraction. Students will be exposed to a variety of new skills to help them work through addition and subtraction. We have begun the term with addition and have already looked at skills such as commutativity, adding ten/taking ten, doubles and near doubles, and rounding and adjusting. The growth we have seen so far has been fantastic! When we move on to subtraction we will look at using the same skills but with a subtraction focus.

Throughout the term we will continue developing our fluency skills using a variety of fun games at the beginning of our mathematics lessons. This is proving to be a favorite for teachers and students alike!


In Inquiry, the students are exploring rules and laws associated with local governance. They will be looking at and understanding the difference between ‘rules and ‘laws.’

The students will investigate, describe and explore who makes rules, why rules are important and the consequences if rules aren’t followed. They will engage in creating a social event with peers that requires rules in order to be successful. Through this unit we want students to process and identify their rights and responsibilities into the future as an Australian citizen and as studentsin the coming years.




  • School starts at 8.50am
  • May 10th - 11th Mothers Day stall 
  • May 12th Mothers day breakfast
  • May 26th School Photos
  • June 12th King's Birthday-12th June - Public Holiday 
  • Parent/Teacher Interviews - 21nd and 22rd June
  • Maths Survivor Day / Last Day of Term - 23rd June