Year 1/2 Report

Beginning of Term 2, 2023.

Welcome to Term 2 everyone! The Grade 1/2 teachers have been busy preparing and delivering engaging activities for all students. Read below to find out what we have been and will be learning about and working on for the term... 



In Numeracy, students started the term learning about the everyday language of chance and probability. They used the language of won’t, might or will happen and impossible, unlikely, even chance, likely and certain to assess the likelihood of different events occurring. Furthermore, students have started and will continue to create, write, and solve their own addition and subtraction-based stories with the use of physical materials, tens and twenties frames, drawings and number sentences (see below). Additionally, to help solve their addition and subtraction-based stories, students have started learning and will continue to learn addition and subtraction strategies, such as count all, count on, count down, doubles facts, number bonds and friends of ten/twenty. 




During Term 2 in Literacy, students will be exploring a unit titled “Let’s Use Facts”. Students will listen to, read, view, interpret and create non-fiction texts that inform, using our writing process of planning and rehearsing, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. Following on from Term 1, students have started and will continue to create recounts of their personal experiences as well. In preparation for our schoolwide writers’ festival, students have started and will continue to work with students from the upper year levels on their computers to publish their non-fiction texts and recounts (see below). Furthermore, they will develop an understanding of the structure and organisation of these texts. Students will continue to practice their independent reading daily to achieve their own individualised reading goal. Additionally, students will continue learning about a variety of letter combinations, such as “ck” and “ng.” Students will also improve their reading and spelling of an increased bank of words through the use of our “Heggerty” program, which focuses on the beginning, middle and end sounds in a wide variety of words.




During Term Two in Inquiry, students will be learning about the topic, ‘Staying Safe as a Road User.’

In this topic, students will learn about the features of a road environment, the safety features of cars and how to be a safe passenger, the safest places to cross roads and how to use the Stop, Listen and Think process to cross roads safely. Furthermore, they will learn to identify the people who help keep us safe on roads, how their actions affect their safety and risks to avoid danger. Additionally, later in the term students will engage in a road safety incursion. Students will be given opportunities to use bicycles with safety equipment and the skills learnt during the unit to navigate a miniature road safety course, which will be set up on the basketball courts.


Anzac Day

For Anzac Day this year students learnt about the origins and meaning of the day. Through lessons taught in class and at a school wide assembly students learnt to identify the different sacrifices Australian and New Zealand people have made during wartime to allow us modern day citizens to experience the freedoms we all enjoy today. To display their respect for the sacrifices these people have made, students created whole class and individualised poppy wreaths (see below).




  • School starts at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10 - please make sure you are on time   
  • Please provide, drink bottle, fruit snack, lunch and recess snack each day 
  • Term 2 means colder weather so please send a NAMED jacket and/or coat   
  • Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absences   
  • Red folders are to be returned to school each day for notes, home readers and diaries.  

  The Grade 1/2 Team

Emily Routley, Mark Turner, Belinda Perera, Rohan Moat, Carla Asta.