Prep Report

Welcome back to Term 2 everyone! The Grade Prep teachers are really excited for all the fun learning experiences we have planned this term! 



In Reading, students will continue to develop their phonetic awareness as well as practising their reading goals to help them with decoding words in the books they read. They will learn to identify rhyming words and make predictions before reading. Students will learn to sequence the events in the books they read as well as retelling the story in their own words. In Writing, students will participate in oral language experiences (sucha as making hot chocolate)to help them generate ideas to write about as well as continuing to write a recount about their weekend. Students will continue to record the sounds they hear in words and attempt to write the beginning, middle and end sounds. In Handwriting, students will continue to improve their fine motor skills, pencil grip and letter formations of the letters they learn each week.  



In Numeracy, students will be learning about place value and how to recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to 100. They will begin by learning about ‘teen’ numbers and explore representing numbers using concrete materials such as bundling sticks, tens frames, number lines, 120 charts and place value charts. Students will develop their confidence when counting to and from 100 by playing games, singing counting songs and participating in daily fluency activities. Later in the term, students will collect data and create bar graphs. They will learn to answer ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions and make simple statements about their data displays. Students will be introduced to 2D shapes and 3D objects by finding them in the environment, sorting shapes and identifying features such as sides (edges), corners (vertices) and faces. At the end of the term, students will be learning about directional language and how that is used to help them give and follow directions to familiar locations. They will learn to use vocabulary such as ‘clockwise’, ‘forwards’, ‘backwards’ and ‘under’ when describing the position of objects.



In Social and Emotional Learning, students will continue to learn about their emotions through the Mindful Aus program as well as exploring their personal strengths such as being kind, confident and how to be a good friend. They will develop an understanding of ‘big problems’ and ‘small problems' and explore strategies to resolve conflict. There will be an explicit focus on respect, which is one of our school values. Students will learn what respect is and how to respect themselves and others. 



In Inquiry, students will learn about people who can help them at home and in the community. They will participate in incursions where they will learn about community helpers such as police officers and fire fighters. Check out our important dates below to see the exciting experiences planned in Prep this term! 


Important Dates 

Mother’s Day and Special Person’s afternoon Wednesday the 10th of May  

Mother’s Day stall Wednesday the 10th & Thursday the 11th of May 

Mother’s Day breakfast on Friday the 12th of May 

Road Safety Incursion RACV Visit on Wednesday the 17th of May 

Myuna Farm Visit - Prep Incursion Tuesday the 23rd of May 

Firefighters Incursion - Fire Ed Visit 1 on Wednesday the 24th May 

School photos Friday the 26th of May 

Firefighters Incursion - Fire Ed Visit 2 on Wednesday the 31st May 

Police Incursion Monday 5th of June. 


Term 2 Reminders 

  • school starts at 8:50am and ends at 3:10pm 
  • hats are not required in Term 2 & 3 
  • the weather will be cooler in Term 2, so please remember to bring jackets and jumpers which are clearly labelled with your child's name 
  • Oxford words will be sent home in the red folders for reading and spelling practise in week 3 
  • please bring a water bottle clearly labelled with your child's name. 


The Prep Team 

Diana Polazzon, Ashley Reynolds, Chiara Mackay & Katherine Richardson