Principals Team Report

"Achieving Excellence Together."

It has been wonderful to return to school and see our student’s smiling faces and hear all about their fun holidays.


This term once again is set to be a busy one. 


On Tuesday 25th April we had the pleasure of accompanying our school Captains to the Craigieburn Anzac Day Service. 

Congratulations to Jasmine, Alexis and Mina on doing an amazing job with laying a wreath on behalf of our school community. 

Portable Murals: 

What a difference colour can make to a space! 


Over the term 1 holidays we had Damian Cazaly a visual artist paint two murals. One in the Year 3 portable area and the other in the Year 4 portable area. 


If you have not had a chance to see these new murals, we invite you to take the time to admire the beautiful artwork. 

Staffing Update:


We would like to congratulate Ms. Popovic on picking up a part time position at Keelonith primary school. We are very sad to see her leave, particularly with the positive impact she has had with The Arts Curriculum. We have not seen our corridors looking so bright and fresh for a long time.  We wish her all the best. At this point we have not found a suitable replacement for Performing Arts. Students will still be participating in Performing Arts using various replacement teachers until a suitable replacement is found. Ms. Borg will be with us an extra day to take Year 5 and Year 6 Visual Arts. 


Kirsty Peffers, our new Grade 1/2C teacher will be joining us very soon. She is joining us from New Zealand, and we are excited to have her join our school community. We anticipate her start date to be Monday 22nd May. We will update our 1/2C families as soon as we have a confirmed start date. Until then students will continue to have Ms. Perera and Mr. Moat. 


Another staff member we want to welcome is Samantha Malloy. She is a psychologist who will be working on Thursdays with our students and teachers this term. Samantha's role at the school is NOT to provide one on one services with students. Her role is to support teachers in supporting students in the classroom.  She will be working in classrooms, taking small groups of students and working closely with our Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader as part of our wellbeing team. 

CASEA Update

CASEA has commenced the program in our school for the selected students and parents from Foundation to Year Three. The program is being run by the staff from the Royal Children's Hospital in conjunction with two of our teachers Jess Baido and Belinda Perera. The aim is to develop and learn important skills for managing emotions and behaviour.


Each week will have a different focus for the students to work on. They have started with some getting to know you activities as the group of students are from various year levels and may not have worked together or met each other before. They will develop skills to identify and understand each others strengths. 


In week 3 they will follow up with some work on feelings, how they can identify their feelings and how to recognise the feelings of others. In week 4 they will further build on this by looking at Strong Emotions and the importance of being able to stop or control the strong emotions. The following few weeks of activities will be building on developing Assertiveness, Negotiation and Cooperation. This will allow the students to develop skills to know the difference between being assertive, passive and aggressive whilst building on the skills to negotiates to be able to choose solutions to their own and other's needs. 


In the last week of the program the students and parents will participate in a group performance to showcase the skills they have developed and the changes they have made over the term.

Iwan Walters MP visit

We are delighted to share that our Local State member elect will be visiting our school on Thursday 11th May. He is here to view our outstanding specialist and extracurricular programs. This is a great opportunity to showcase our wonderful school community and we are excited to have the support of our state government in our future school plans. Stay tuned for our student blog which can be accessed via our website highlighting his visit this week. 



As always, we thank you all for your support so far this year and for making our school the best!