Physical Education & Sport 

Develop a love for movement 

Welcome back everyone, I hope we all had a happy and active break. It was great to see all the students happy and ready to get back into their learning. 


Our Prep and 1/2s students will engage in a number throwing and catching games and sports to start Term 2. This fundamental movement skill is is an important life skill that is good for healthy muscle development and hand eye coordination. Test your little one out at home and watch their development. 


The 3/4s will participate in target games for the first 4 weeks of term. Looking at different activities that improve their kicking and throwing accuracy while playing fun, active games. Followed by a track and field unit, practicing everything athletics. 


The 5/6s are upskilling from the 3/4s and looking at target sports like, lawn bowls, 10 pin bowling, archery, golf and varies mini games. Students have loved playing the sport of lawn bowls so far. Ask them about it at home. They will move into track and field next as they try their best to make the athletics team in term 3. 

Interschool Sport

This terms winter gala day will see the years 5/6 participate in matches of Soccer, AFL and netball. Due to the unpredictable weather in term2, we will only run a single gala day rather than weekly matches. Our teams were hard at training last term as we go through the selection process this term. We wish all our students the best and know they will do us proud. 


Cross Country 

This years cross country will be held at Brimbank Park on the 12th of May. A handful of students have been training hard to give themselves the best chance come race day. The race is a 3km track up and down the hills of Brimbnak Park. A handful of students in years 4, 5 and 6 will try their best at progressing to the district level. We with them luck and hope the rain stays away.