Prep News

From Julia, Prep teacher

Congratulations Preps!

Congratulations on finishing your first term of school, Preps! Your teachers are so proud of your amazing efforts this term and want to take this time to reflect on how far you’ve come. Settling into school isn’t easy - there are a lot of new things to adjust to and learn, from reading, to packing your own school bags. 


To name just a few things, you’ve learned letter sounds, how to write them, how to read them, how to add detail to your drawings, how to collect, graph and interpret data, different ways of making and writing numbers, the days of the week, duration, strengthened your fine motor skills, how to be a bucket filler, how to raise your hand, the routines of North Melbourne Primary School, and developed your independence to come into the classroom ready to learn! Boy oh boy, what a looong list!




Of course, you couldn’t have done it without the support of your families, so a big congratulations to families also on your Preppies first term of school! Your efforts haven’t gone unnoticed and the Prep Team is grateful for everything you do to support the students’ learning and independence.


After a massive term of learning, Preps, you’re certainly ready for the holidays! Enjoy them, rest well, and get excited for the new campus! We can’t wait to transition with you in the first weeks of Term 2.