Message from Principal Sarah

From Sarah Nightingale, Principal 

Congratulations to all our students, families and staff on the near completion of Term 1. What a busy, successful and rewarding term it has been! 


Last week saw the completion of our Parent Teacher Interviews. These interviews are an important avenue involving parents and students in the learning process and an opportunity to acknowledge student progress and achievement throughout the term. Thank you to those families that were able to attend.


Ben, Gabi & Mark
Ben, Gabi & Mark


We also ended the week with our 3-6 Cross Country which was a huge success, with no doubt many weary legs on Friday afternoon. Congratulations to all students on their efforts! 


While we are talking to about sporting achievements, we would like to congratulate our Year 6 students who participated in the Regional Swimming event last week. These swimmers came 1st place in the relay and are off to the State Swimming event next. We wish them all the best!

Lost Property

As the term draws to an end, we have a large pile of lost property, including jumpers, hats, drink bottles and other items. If your child is missing anything, please take the time to view our lost property box after assembly on Thursday. Any unnamed items not collected by the end of the term will be donated to charity.

Molesworth Street Campus Update

We continue to work closely with the VSBA and our school leadership team to finalise our transition plan to the new campus as we move closer to move in date! A reminder of the high level overview of the transition plan is outlined below to help students, families and staff understand what to expect during the move noting we will all start Term 2 at Errol Street Campus. 


Week 1: (First day of term for students Wednesday 26 April): Staff Orientation 

All students will attend the Errol Street Campus. Children will return to their Term 1 classrooms. 


Week 2: (w/c Monday 1 May): Student Orientation

Lessons for Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students will continue at the Errol Street campus, with class visits to the new campus at the beginning of the week. 


Week 3: (w/c Monday 8 May): Classes begin at Molesworth Street campus 

All Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 classes will take place at Molesworth Street. 

New timetable with staggered campus start and finish times to begin


Our next update which will feature more details surrounding Term 2 plans including a site map to support where to go – please keep your eyes peeled for that on 24 April. 

Happy and Safe Holidays

Lorikeet by Kimalee
Lorikeet by Kimalee


There will be a whole school assembly on Thursday at 2:10pm to celebrate the term. 


A reminder that Monday 24 April is a Pupil Free Day. This is the first day of Term 2 prior to the ANZAC day public holiday on Tuesday 25th April.  We look forward to seeing all students back on site at our Errol Street Campus from Wednesday 26th April for another term of great learning!


I wish everyone a safe, relaxing and enjoyable break!