Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

Focus of the Week: Focus:  For the last three weeks of the term we will be focusing on each individual School Rule: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe.  This week we are looking at what ‘We Are Respectful’ looks like, sounds like and feels like.  To be Respectful, we need to look at our actions and the words that we use towards other

 people and reflect on these.  Would I be comfortable if others were speaking to me and treating me this way?  Would I feel respected as a person? How can we act and speak that lets others know that we understand they are just 

as important a person as I am, and we are all equal in God’s eyes. 


Being Respectful on the Playground.  One area we can show Respect is on the playground, as we focused on last week. We looked at how we follow the school rules on the playground by:

  • being considerate of others when playing 
  • staying in our own play areas
  • Being mindful of how we treat each other on the playground
  • Treating others as we would want to be treated
  • Including others in games
  • Following teacher instructions 
  • Playing in our own designated areas


Christmas Art Workshop: Our Year 5 and 6 students and teachers have been busy working with renowned Artist Mr Ted Lewis on developing their artistic skills over the past few weeks.  Each year the Diocese asks each school to contribute works of art based on the Christmas Story to be displayed in an exhibition and judged as part of an inter-diocesan competition.  It takes a lot of preparation, organisation and time to both gain the skills and prepare these works of art, and we are always very proud of our students efforts in this competition.  Thank you to all who are contributing to this wonderful experience, and we look forward to seeing some lovely finished works of art before the end of the Term.


James Sheahan Visitors:  Last Thursday Mrs Dean brought some students from James Sheahan who are studying early childhood, to work with our Year 1 students.  They had a great time and our Year 1 students and teachers loved having them help in the classroom.  The students will be back this Thursday to work with our Kinder students.  We look forward to welcoming them again and having another wonderful opportunity to have these students in our classrooms.


Cheerleaders:  We are often talking about the different sports our students participate in, however we don't often mention Cheerleading!  A few of our students have been working very hard at this sport to compete in major championships with the Australian All Star Cheer Federation, with the latest competition being held at the Showground Pavilion, Olympic Park Sydney.  Congratulations to Lilly Hiller and  Kaleah Norton on their recent participation in this national 'Winterfest' competiton.  


Kindergarten Enrolment for 2024: 

Just a reminder that Enrolments are now due for our 2024 Kindergarten cohort.  For Enrolment information, packs or tours of the school, please contact the front Office or ring the school on 6361 3344



Kind regards,

Robyn Petty