Performing Arts

The Search for the Perfect Child

Last week the year 12 Drama class performed their 2022 Ensemble. Using stimulus material as a springboard the group worked collaboratively to construct a performance. We are hoping that when the new Performing Arts Centre is completed their piece “Echo-nomy – The Perfect Child” will be performed again for family and friends to see a live presentation. We hope you enjoy the small trailer below.

Lindy Mummé – Drama Teacher

Background/Stimulus to The Search for the Perfect Child

The year is 2121: 

In the not-so-distant future, world poverty and hunger are a thing of the past. Not only has climate change been addressed, but global catastrophes both human-made and natural, along with pandemics have thinned the world’s population. Thanks to genetically engineered food and other scientific and technological advances many of the early twenty-first century fears for the future have been avoided. It is possible to replace all human parts with technology and machinery enabling humans to live longer. 

However, it comes at a cost: To ensure the world population never spirals out of control again, “family-clusters” are now limited to one child (upon application) per “family” group. Because genetic engineering has altered many living things including humankind, science has once more come to the rescue to ensure a quality child is created. Nothing is left to chance. “Family-clusters” must now create the perfect child via a test tube and incubator and by accessing DNA from any part of the world at any point in time or history. This also comes at a cost is seems….. 


Year 11 Drama 

Congratulations to the Year 11 Drama class, who despite consistently enduring many student absences in their lessons, were able to design and construct performances for their end of semester presentations. With the stimulus material of ‘The Black Plague’ students drew parallels to other pandemics in history. Divided into two different groups, two completely different performances emerged. The first, ‘The New Exhibit’ takes place in a museum and explores a timeline of contagions. The second, ‘The Rat’s Revenge’ explored where blame is placed when diseases emerge, with the humble rat taking the brunt of the responsibility throughout history. 

The class look forward to showcasing the best of their work later in the year when the new Performing Arts’ Centre is completed. 

Lindy Mummé – Drama Teacher 

Stimulus Material – Background

In the summer of 1348, The Black Death made its way into southern England without notice. A form of the bubonic plague spread by small rodents and their fleas, it spread like wildfire, killing those infected within a week.


One of the most devastating pandemics in history, The Black Death caused loss of life on a massive scale, culling an estimated one-half of England’s population in just over two years. Such was The Black Death’s impact; it would be hundreds of years before England would return to her former self.

Semester 1 Dance Night 2022

On Friday the 27th of May, the Years 7-9 Co-Curricular dance program, Year 9 Dance Elective class, and VCE Dance students performed in the annual MGC Dance Night for Semester 1. The incredible performance consisted of a variety of learnt pieces and self-choreographed works from the students who have worked tremendously well this semester in their classes. We applaud all who participated in the creation of the show which was special given we haven’t been able to put many shows on due to the pandemic, and we’d like to acknowledge those who were unable to perform on the night. A big thank you to the MGC dance teachers, Jordan Bartolo, Sarah Bruce, Nic Collins, Olivia Hosie, Emma Jayne-Isles, Claire Leske, Kaitlin Malone, Jacob Peate, Brittany Lee-Page, Rachael Peters, Jordan Evans, and Georgia McGeechan who worked so hard to bring the show together! Make sure to check out the video of some of our amazing dancers! 

  • Beth Pert and Sophie Hunter - Year 12
    Senior School Dance Captains 

Additional note: Beth Pert, Year 12, also performed an encore of her incredible 2021 VCE Dance solos. These were the solos she was selected to perform at the VCAA Top Acts 2022 on the 20th of May. Thank you Beth for performing these for MGC again, and one more congratulations on your Top Acts achievement! 

  • Georgia McGeechan, Dance Leader

American Arts, Film and Television Academy Visit

On Thursday the 5th of May, the Year 9 Actors’ Workshop and 10 Event Management classes were visited by Jessica Orcsik, the founder, CEO and academy director of the American Arts, Film and Television Academy (AAFTA), a Los Angeles based in person and online acting school that focuses on helping creatives develop their knowledge of ‘The Art, The Artist and The Business.’ She talked to us about setting goals, having clear aspirations, creating your own content, the importance of vulnerability and the different facets of the entertainment industry as a whole. It was a fun and enlightening afternoon that got everyone in the audience excited about their careers and futures. Thank you to Jess for visiting MGC! 

By Nora Dandurand

(Middle School Art’s Captain)

Year 11 Drama

Due to the (exciting) building works of our new auditorium, the Year 11 Drama class has pushed back their performance night until the building is done so they can have their first performance in the new space. For the mean time, they performed in front of each other and filmed it in preparation for their upcoming SAC. They worked tirelessly against many student illnesses in order to produce their best efforts, and it were well rewarded from the support of each other. 


Bea James

Year 11 Music and Drama student

Senior Executive Vice Arts Captain.