News From Around The School
Vella Dollars Proves A Hit With Year 7/8 Maths
Mr Vella's Year 7 and 8 Vella Dollars maths rewards program is proving a hit with students. This week students were able to bid their hard earnt Vella Rewards Dollars on auction items that ranged from chocolates to canteen vouchers and Marinda Nursery vouchers to Why Leave Town gift cards.
Students earn Vella Dollar credits for participation and effort in maths. They watch their Vella Dollars grow in their Vella Bank account and via their monthly statement. There were certainly some very savvy bidders among the students who were looking for maximum value for money. Some students chose to leave a little in their account as a head start on next term, while others utilised every Vella Dollar available in their account.
Thank you to our Vella Dollar program partners, WWHS P&C, Marinda Nursery and WWHS canteen.
Regional Youth Leadership Forum
On the second last Friday of term, a good number of students from Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 chose to participate in a fantastic youth forum held on campus. Delivered by Burn Bright, the day-long forum was highly interactive and focused on building leadership skills, such as how we can lead ourselves as well as others and how we can help ourselves flourish along with those around us. NDCAS generously came and cooked a delicious BBQ lunch for participants.
Made possible through a grant secured by the Narrabri Shire Council, Burn Bright had students engaged from the outset as they delivered an engaging and high impact wellbeing and leadership program.
Coordinated by Year 10 Adviser and member of the WWHS wellbeing team, Mr Vella and Student Support Officer, Raylene Slee, both members of staff said the program was of invaluable benefit to students.
The World of Work & Career Choices
The Australian Business Community Network (ABCN) have continued their engagement with WWHS with three of their volunteers from Lend Lease and Microsoft linking up via video conference with some of our Year 11 and 12 students to discuss careers. The volunteer mentors took questions from students about their career choices and pathways. The conversational style session helped students shape their thinking about the future and the world of work. Below is some feedback from students who took part;
* I have a better understanding of what jobs and career paths are available after school.
* It’s ok to fail or change your mind about career paths.
* I am more motivated to think about and explore career paths and jobs after school.
* I have a better understanding of how to be successful at work.
A big shout out to ABCN and their member organisations for so generously giving their time again and for sharing their life experience for the benefit of our students
Year 12 Industrial Technology Major Works Take Shape
Year 12 Industrial Technology - Timber major works are well underway. We look forward to sharing images of finished projects with you in four weeks time when the deadline is reached.
Year 11 Art
Year 11 Art students have been working on developing a range of skills using sculptural materials. These sculptures were based on the classical period Greek sculpture, The Discuss Thrower. Initially students drew human figures in motion using different shapes, better known as gestural drawings. These were then used as templates to create the sections of the body in the correct proportions. Recycled cardboard boxes and corrugated cardboard were carefully cut using a scalpel. Slits were made to create the joins and secured with glue. To stabilise the sculpture a plinth was created as a base. Students were then tasked with taking a variety of photographs to document their artwork.
Uni Of Newcastle & Rotary Science & Engineering Challenge Resumes
We were pleased to be able to once again offer our students the opportunity to take part in the University of Newcastle and Rotary Science & Engineering Challenge. Due to Covid the Challenge wasn't able to be run in 2020 and 2021.
The Science and Engineering Challenge (SEC) is a nationwide STEM outreach program presented by the University of Newcastle in partnership with communities, Rotary clubs, universities and sponsors. Through the SEC, students experience aspects of science and engineering that they would not usually see in their school environment.
The SEC, in conjunction with SMART (Science, Maths And Real Technology) runs a range of challenges during the day-long event that focuses on inspiring students to consider a future career in science and engineering.
We'd like to say a big thank you to the University of Newcastle, the Rotary Club of Narrabri, ARTC, SANTOS and all the volunteers who helped make last week's Science and Engineering Challenge possible. It was an invaluable opportunity for our students to gain experience in the STEM space as well as working as a team.
Thank you to The Courier Newspaper for the use of these images.
Students Invited To Participate In Podcast Production Skills Development Workshop
We were delighted today to welcome journalist and podcasting guru, Ali Smith and her co-producer, Katie Watson to our school last week.
Together Ali and Katie produce the Bush Wanderlust series of interviews with interesting Narrabri Shire locals. Ali and Katie are the mentors for a youth podcasting skills development program sponsored by the Narrabri Shire Council where interested young people from across the Shire will come together to learn the various skills required to produce a podcast. The podcast series will have a youth mental health focus, but the rest is up to the young people who get involved.
The idea was born from a suggestion made by members of the Shire's Youth Council and WWHS Youth Councillors, Mackenzie Jones and Caitlyn Coutts-Smith were on hand to answer questions and to distribute application forms to interested students. Applications close Tuesday 28th June with forms to be returned to Caitlyn or Mackenzie.
Tamworth Careers Expo
Year 10, 11 and 12 students recently travelled to Tamworth to attend the Regional Careers Expo. It was the first time since Covid began that the expo had been able to take place.
Students were able to engage with a large number of universities, TAFE and private tertiary learning providers to discuss courses of interest. There were also a large variety of businesses from a diverse range of industries present for students to explore career opportunities and pathways with.
Many businesses from around the region showcased, through practical demonstrations, what certain types of jobs involved including machining parts for large machinery to performing arts and hospitality to robotics in agriculture.
WWHS Careers Adviser, Ms Blewitt accompanied the students and remarked on how beneficial the expo was and how exceptionally well behaved our students were.
Agricultural Careers Expo
Several of our senior agriculture students recently travelled to Tamworth to attend the Farrer Agricultural Careers Expo. Ag and Primary Industries teacher, Ms Bray said it was an excellent opportunity for students from the region to explore a diverse array of career choices in the agricultural industry.
Agriculture Students Learn Stock Handling Skills
Year 10 Agriculture students have been studying a unit on stock management. The unit of work covered methods to keep stock calm while moving and handling them, quick release knots, stock body parts and more. Students were assessed on the knowledge and skills they gained. Photo - Year 10 Ag student, Brittney Schwager passed her assessment with flying colours.
SRC Raises $6,500 for Blood Cancer Research
In early June, Wee Waa High School's School Representative Council (SRC) held their second Worlds Greatest Shave fundraiser to raise money for research into blood cancer. Almost $6,500 was raised by staff, students and community. A mighty effort! We are extremely proud of our SRC and grateful for all the generous donations. Congratulations to all our students and staff who took part. A huge thank you to Cindy O’Neill and Cherie Nancarrow for generously donating their time and skills to make this event an absolute success.