Principal's Message
Principal’s Message
No doubt you will have heard about the growing nationwide teacher shortage and its impact on schools across Australia. Whilst Wee Waa High School has been less impacted than many schools, in recent months we too have experienced some shortages. More than ever, I have been impressed with the incredible effort our teaching staff continue to make to ensure that students and their education are impacted to the least extent possible.
To achieve this, for each of them it means taking additional lessons and working longer hours, but our teaching team do this with commitment and good grace. They are tremendously dedicated professionals and I know our community will join with me in acknowledging the commitment they show.
Many schools have had to discontinue outbound excursions that extend the life and learning opportunities of students. Wherever possible, we have not done this as it's these experiences, in addition to learning in the classroom that produce the best education outcomes possible.
What it has meant, though, is that fellow colleagues have picked up extra classes so that teachers can take their students to representative sporting challenges, STEM programs, careers expos and more.
As you will see from this newsletter, giving our students the greatest possible learning and development opportunities is something we will continue to strive to achieve wherever and however possible.
I'd like to make special mention of and congratulate Year 11 student, Mackenzie Jones who was recently elected as Deputy Mayor of the Narrabri Shire Youth Council. This is an outstanding achievement.
To our staff, thank you for your dedication and commitment and to everyone, I wish you an enjoyable winter break.
Yours sincerely,
Jacqueline Neil
Relieving Principal