From the Principal's Desk
Congratulations to Sophie and Jackson who competed in the Cross Country Divisional Finals at Brimbank Park yesterday. Both were invited to compete after their success in the District Carnival earlier this year.
The competition was tough yet Sophie and Jackson both finished top sixteen and can be very proud of their efforts. We are!
Prep 2023 Enrolments
Enrolments for Year Prep 2023 are filling fast!
A reminder to all families that we are in the process of finalising Year Prep enrolments for 2023 so if you haven't already, please fill out the enrolment form below and return it to the school office as soon as possible so we can secure your child's placement for 2023.
PFA Meeting
Thank you to all the parents who expressed an interest in joining our Parents and Friends Association at our Mothers' Day Breakfast. We will be holding our very first PFA meeting this Friday 10th June 2022 at 9:15am.
The PFA is your opportunity to increase community engagement, enhance school/parent partnerships, and meet new people along the way.
All interested parents (whether you have expressed an interest or not) are welcome to attend. Please enter via the school office .
Hope to see you there!
Annual Report
For your reading pleasure, please find attached our 2021 Annual Report to the School Community. The report provides a 'snapshot' of our school and documents our achievements for 2021.
You will also be able to access the report via our school website in the coming days.
Planning Weeks
Over the coming weeks staff will have the opportunity to plan extensively for Term 3. This will affect timetables as children will receive double 'specialist' sessions on these days.
This will not affect the days our Year 3-6 children wear their sports uniform but our Year Prep-2 children will also have to wear their sports uniform as follows:
- Year Prep - Tuesday 14th June
- Year 1/2: Thursday 23rd June
Learning Expo
It's back! After 2 years in the wilderness our world-renowned Learning Expo will be held on Tuesday 21st June in the last week of Term Two.
Commencing at 3:30pm, you will be able to immerse yourself in a world of design and production as you explore each year level's STEM (Science, Technology Engineering & Mathematics) projects.
Be sure to mark this date in your diary and be prepared to learn, discover and explore!
Student Reports & Portfolios
On Thursday 23rd June all children will receive the Student Report for Semester 1 2022. This will be the first time in two years that a full report will be presented so it will look a little different to the COVID-19 hybrid versions you would have received in 2020/21. An explanation page will appear in the front of the report detailing features.
The Student Report will be placed in your child's portfolio. We ask that you read the report in conjunction with the learning samples included in the portfolio to gain a full picture of your child's successes across the first part of the year.
School Closure Day
Please note in your diaries the date of our next School Closure Day: Staff Professional Development Day which has been scheduled for Friday 24th June.
On this day staff will be updating their first aid training/accreditations. We have needed to bring this date forward which means that our last day of term for students will now be Thursday 23rd June. This will be a normal school day and students will finish at 3:30 pm as usual. Reports and portfolios will also be distributed on this day.
Students do not attend school on Friday 24th June. Please note these changes in your diaries.
God bless
Anthony Hyde