Principal's Report

“One kind word can warm three winter months” – Japanese Proverb

It has been a term full of cold weather, many absences, a few coughs and colds and a sprinkling of COVID. Despite that, it has also been a term with lots of happy children who have made many gains with their learning. 


Gold Celebration

Lots of fun was had by us all today as we celebrated our achievement in gaining Gold Accreditation for School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support. We were joined today by our regional SW-PBS coaches and our Area Director, Mark Flack, who presented us with our certificate. I am incredibly proud of our school as we have worked very hard over the last few years to improve outcomes for our students with this framework. Well done everybody!


Capital Works Update

The work is slowly picking up as the weather has slightly improved. There will be a whole chunk of work completed in the holidays when there is no one here as some of the driveway needs to be dug up to allow the builders to get into essential facilities. This will all be tidied up for everyone coming back to school term 3.



We would like to warmly welcome Brian Williams who will be the classroom teacher in Group 19 for the rest of the year. We say goodbye to our part time Speech therapist Jacqui O’Connor who has taken up a position in another school. Jacqui has been with us for a long time, and we wish her all the very best with her next steps. 

Lois, our Assistant Principal will be on leave for the next two terms.


I hope you all have a restful break and spend time engaging in activities or with people that make you happy! Be kind to each other and stay safe!


As always please reach out with any questions or concerns. 
