Inquiry Centre



 Students did a fantastic job transitioning back into the school routine as well as our school swimming routine. Thank you to families for helping organise your child for swimming lessons at home.


In Writing, we started  creating texts about our holidays, where students could choose how they presented their entertaining recount. It was pleasing to see students using Wow Words, paragraphs and their creative teams to improve their writing. Additionally, students selected their new goals for Term 3 and discussed the different strategies they would need to achieve each of these, look out for these on your Seesaw pages! During reading sessions, we explored our new class novels, making predictions about characters, events and settings we might see. When setting up our book boxes for the term, the 1/2 students revisited Good Fit books and discussed some genres and types of books they enjoy reading. 

Our maths sessions in Week 1 were all about swimming and our term focus of multiplicative thinking. As grades, we brainstormed the different ways we can multiply numbers; skip counting, equal groups, arrays, written equations and using our times tables. It was impressive to see students apply some of these strategies to solve pool-related problems such as designing bus seats, the length of a swimming pool and counting arrays. 


As you might have seen on our school Instagram page, Guided Inquiry last week was an immersion into Light and Sound - our topic for Term 3. Students engaged with rotations exploring ways to make sounds using digital technology, creating sounds on musical instruments and different forms of light featuring our amazing glow cave! In Wellbeing, students did an impressive job working with a partner to identify some similarities, differences and skills they could teach each other.  


We hope you have a wonderful first week back at school!

Miss Glen, Mrs Martin, Miss Molloy, Mrs Seadon, Mrs Moroney, Mrs Danes and Mrs Tang

Student Voice 

What has been your favourite part of swimming so far?

  • Nethun S - "I like going on the bus each day!"
  • Phoebe R - "I like going in the water and at the end of our lesson we got to do fun games"
  • Troy M - "I love everything about swimming"


  • Three Way Conference: make sure you have booked a time that suits your family
  • Please label all of your childs uniform and if you are missing any items, contact your classroom teacher
  • Swimming continues this week, ensure children are wearing their bathers to school and have their swimming bag packed each day.
  • Headphones: please return these to school if you have not already done so
  • If you have any school library books, please return them to school with your child. 

Pupil of the Week

1/2ET: Yvon Z -

For demonstrating bravery and independence during swimming lessons. It was wonderful to see you joining in and trying your best in the pool. Keep it up, Yvon!


1/2G: Ashleigh T -

For demonstrating respect and responsibility at swimming by following routines independently. It is great to see your enthusiasm and character strengths shine. Keep it up, Ashley!


1/2K: Vidya C -

 For demonstrating zest and independence during our swimming sessions. You listened to your teacher and were excited to go to the pool each day. Well done Vidya!


1/2M: Max C -

For demonstrating outstanding bravery and perseverance at swimming this week. You have grown from being unsure of the water to swimming on your own with the kickboard! Keep up the great effort, Max! 


1/2SS: Finn G -

For demonstrating kindness towards your classmates during our first week of swimming. You always look out for your friends and offer help whenever needed. Great effort Finn!