Principal's Message

Term 3 Week 2 2022

Swimming Program

Our school’s two week intensive swimming program started last week which saw many eager students venturing to school in readiness for their lessons. Students soon learnt the routine of coming to school with their bathers on underneath their school uniform, ensuring goggles, combs and towels were packed before they boarded the bus.

The two week program is a very important part of our extra-curricular program as swimming is a life-long skill. Not only is swimming great for the body, it's also great for the mind. It can improve one’s mood and self-esteem. Swimming keeps the heart and lungs healthy, improves strength and flexibility, increases stamina and even improves balance and posture. Learning to swim early on will also reduce a child's fear of water, making pools and beaches less stressful environments. It is always great to see the progress that students make over the fortnight as they practise and consolidate their skills in the pool. We look forward to hearing their positive feedback from the experience.


Last Friday we commemorated NAID Week by  having our first buddies. The theme was ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!’ and encouraged students to unpack First Nations movements throughout history and to consider other movements and initiatives that could be supported today. The session was a scavenger hunt style activity which saw the older students move around with their younger buddy, scanning QR codes to find out information about indigenous plants, songs and bush tucker. 

It was also wonderful to see students collaborating to create a collage of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags. We thank all students for their respectful attitude when moving through the range of activities and particularly thank Miss Brooke Henwood for organising the buddies session.


Each term we have a focus value which is incorporated into each year level’s statement of intent. This may include circle time discussions, reading texts that showcase this value, writing tasks that can incorporate the characteristics of the value as well as include guided inquiry tasks and discussions. Our focus value for this term is Responsibility. Being responsible means being dependable, keeping promises and honoring our commitments. It is accepting the consequences for what we say and do. It also means developing our potential. People who are responsible don't make excuses for their actions or blame others when things go wrong. Aim to ask your child/ren the question: “How were you responsible at school today?”

Covid-Safe Procedures for 

Term Three

To help mitigate the spread of any viruses we will continue to ensure that all air purifiers are on in all classrooms and monitored throughout the school day.  Subject to weather conditions and where appropriate, selected windows and doors will be opened to assist with air flow throughout the learning spaces. Hygiene routines including washing hands after going to the toilet and before eating will be reinforced. The importance of not only washing hands with soap but also ensuring they are dried will also be reinforced with students. The wearing of masks is not currently mandatory but students are welcome to wear them at school if they wish to.

Pupil Free Days Term 3

For Term 3, 2022, the Department of Education and Training has provided schools with the option to hold each teacher’s allocated professional practice day on the same day for all staff. This is to enable the most effective and efficient use of this day. As a result, we have scheduled our professional practice day for Friday 12th August. Students will therefore not be required to attend school on this day.

Our Curriculum Day from Term 2 (June 15th)  was rescheduled to Monday 15th August as this original day was used for a whole school Professional Practice Day.  OHCS will be available for both Friday 12th August and Monday 15th August.