3/4 BO'C - Faith Life Inquiry

Ms O'Connor

Caring for our Common Home

Our Inquiry and RE unit this term focused on Sustainability and identifying the part we play in caring for our common home. We started our unit by looking at provocations of various Australian landscapes and what issues they are facing. We identified ways that our landscapes can be cared for and why many may consider our country the ‘lucky country’. We then looked at Indigenous perspectives and how we can learn from their treatment of the land prior to European settlement.

We looked inward to our community and identified areas around Melbourne that we can consider our common home. The students discussed areas in our neighbourhood that we frequent and any issues that we can see with them. Students discussed their common play area of Citizens Park and that we all have a part to play in looking after it. We decided that we were called to action and a wonderful way to give back to our community would be to look after it. 

On Wednesday we walked down to Citizens Park and and with the help of the Clean Up Australia organisation we were able to clean up our common home. Our students did a fantastic job in representing our school to the local community, and we picked up six bags of rubbish! The children were absolutely beaming from the moment we began our walk, and they were filled with joy while working together to look after our common home.