

We are very excited to announce more details about this year’s whole school Production!

The performances of “From Trash to Treasure” will be held at Union Hall, Latrobe University 


The story revolves around 5 main characters – Teddy, Grace the mirror, a broken doll/action toy, Raff ( a string puppet) and Buster the broom.

Together they embark on a journey to find new homes and along the way they discover their strengths, celebrate their differences and form friendships.

We will see characters such as pirates, teddy bears, hobby horse, funky magical creatures and an assortment of familiar fairy tale characters.


Students in Years 5 & 6 are very excited about auditions happening next week, and can find all relevant information in Teams today.

The production will involve every student from F – 6 appearing on stage 3 times.

Many of the costumes will be provided by the school, but there will be some items required from home. Information regarding this will be issued in Term 3.


Meanwhile in music classes, students across all levels are enjoying using the keyboards and marimbas to create melodies and rhythmic patterns.

This week grades 2/3 learnt where to find ‘B’ on the music staff and continued melodic notation, placing counters to represent ascending and descending notes.

Some favourite songs at the moment are ‘Fight Song’ and ‘Roar’, while students still request ‘Shotgun’, ‘Lanterns’ & ‘Count on Me’.

4/5/6 students are continuing to learn more about the structure of major and minor chords and practising playing a 3 note chord with 1 hand on the keyboard.  This week, they attempted to change between a ‘C’ major chord and an ‘Em’ chord in the songs ‘Lanterns’ & ‘Count on Me’. They were also told a little about Production and some students read parts of the script in order to familiarise themselves with the characters.