Welcome to Prep B with Miss Williams

We have been busy bees in prep land for the last few weeks! It has been great to see everyone come to school with huge smiles and practicing our values. We have established some great friendships and are enjoying learning together!


In Literacy this term, we have been focusing on learning names of letters and their sounds (phonemes). Prep B have enjoyed making houses for the letter H, and scary monster masks for he letter M. Some ways we have practiced our letters are by forming them with play dough and pom - poms, and tracing on whiteboards. We have also begun to segment (break up) sounds in short words like tip, hot and sit, and challenge ourselves in our writing of these words. It has been wonderful to see Prep B so engaged in learning to read!


In Numeracy this term we have had fun exploring our numbers to 10, through counting forwards and backwards from 10, and playing math games to practise identifying and writing numbers. We have also been learning our days of the week and singing a song to help us remember the names of the days! We have become better at choosing a successful learning spot to complete tasks and are working on collaborating in team situations.



It’s fair to say that Prep B have had a fantastic start to school life, and we can’t wait to see all that we achieve and the memories we will make together this year!