Principal Introduction

Dear EMC Community,


The college has continued to have a busy fortnight with many of our sporting teams achieving success, Outdoor Education camps running and our first NAPLAN online trial for all Year 9 and Year 7 students.

Our Year 12 students headed out to Cable Park with an enthusiastic bunch of staff, it was a fantastic opportunity for staff and students to solidify relationships and continue building team work skills. Our Year 12 students are working hard through their first set of SACs and taking up opportunities to be involved in the college tutoring and homework club - if your Year 12 student has yet to engage in this then we highly encourage them to consider this.

I would like to acknowledge the fantastic behavior and efforts of our Year 9 and Year 7 students during the NAPLAN trial testing. We had a very large number of students who were very well prepared with the NAPLAN app downloaded on their computer and headphones with them to complete the testing. Staff were busy supporting all students during the trial phase with technology issues that arose, students were patient and courteous whilst we worked through these problems. The logistics of having nearly 350 students completing the trial at anyone time is a huge undertaking for all involved, this was lead by Ms Seema Maharaj who has undertaken many hours of training, and trained many staff in the preparation for this event and we thank Seema for ensuring a successful start to 2022 NAPLAN at EMC.

The college Open Night is this coming Monday, we really encourage any families who have not had an opportunity to visit the college over the last few years to come along and meet our staff and see the educational resources that are available to our students.



Kind regards, 


 Jodie Ashby

Assistant Principal