Student Learning

Headphone Bags
Each day our students, across all year levels, utilise headphones as part of their learning on the iPads. We are very thankful to Nanna B who saw the need for headphone bags for the students and has sewn enough bags for every student to have their own to use. The students were very excited to receive these! Thank you from all the staff and students at Cobram Primary School!
Week 9
Reading - The Foundation students have enjoyed identifying and drawing characters from both their books and books in the Storybox Library app.
Writing - The children had fun creating and sharing their favourite piece of writing with their classmates. They also loved giving each other positive feedback.
Maths - The students practiced reading and counting the teen numbers. They were able to use sticks to bundle the numbers in 'tens' and 'ones'.
Week 10
The Prep students have been focusing on using a coloured pencil to help them go back and revise their work. They have also drawn some detailed pictures to match their writing.
The students are working hard at using the beginning sound of each word to help them with their reading.
They have enjoyed learning the days of the week and had fun creating these cute caterpillars.
Year 3/4 Area
The 3/4's have been busy critiquing their favourite books!
Adam gave 'Leo the Lion Cub' by Beverley Randell a 4.5 star rating.
Syuhaib gave 'Little Miss Giggles' by Roger Hargreaves a 4 star rating.
Jordyn gave 'Tucking Mummy In' by Morag Loh a 4 star rating.
Harper gave 'The New Pen' by Jane Liao a 5 star rating.
Year 5/6 Area
Students have been working hard developing their reading stamina. It has been fantastic seeing the students using the library and finding books they enjoy reading. We encourage students to continue reading at home each day!
During Numeracy students have been concentrating very hard on achieving their best during Blitz, Essential Assessment and independent activities. We are very impressed with all the effort students have put in this term.