What's Happening

Term 1, 2022
Thursday 7th April - School Photos
Friday 8th April - EMMAC Excursion 56P
Friday 8th April - Last day of Term 1 - normal finish time 3:20 pm
Term 2, 2022
Monday 25th April - ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 26th April - Student Free Day for Staff Professional Development
Wednesday 27th April - First day of Term 2 for students
Friday 29th April - ANZAC Ceremony at CSC for Year 56 Students
Tuesday 3rd May to Thursday 5th May - Year 56 Bendigo Camp
School Photo Day - Thursday 7th April
Students have been sent home with photo ordering envelopes. Individual and class photos can be ordered online or by placing via the envelope system. All envelopes must be returned to school by Thursday 7th April. Families that would like to order a family photos please collect a family envelope from the office.
Students must be in full school uniform on the day and must be at school on time, as photos will taken from 9 am. If students arrive late to school we can not guarantee that they will have their photo taken.
On the Monday 25th April we will participate in the ANZAC Commemorations held in Cobram. Our student leaders will represent the school at the Dawn Service and Morning Service. All students are invited to participate in the Commemoration March at 9am. Students must be in full school uniform and meet at Federation Park from 9am ready for the March to commence at 9:30am. Students can then be picked up by parents at the Morning service which is located at the War Memorial, beside the Civic Centre.