CEPS Kids are Friendly Kids

This term we are working on COURTESY 

and next week we are looking at


Giving Way


With our school getting bigger and busier we really must practise the skill to give way.  Giving way at school is very much like giving way on the roads. We wait first and then allow others to pass before we go. 


We need to give way to people coming out of doorways. Step back, perhaps even hold the door open for them. Be sensible though, if someone is carrying something heavy, then let them pass. 


In the playground giving way might mean letting some children continue their game, or retrieve their ball before you move into an area or play your game. 


In many ways giving way is another way to show how courteous you are. It is another way of sharing and showing you are a friendly CEPS Kid.





The above students were rewarded with a CEPS award for showing PLAYING TOGETHER skills.  This term's Value is COURTESY.


The above students were rewarded as our Value Ambassadors for the week.  The students worked very hard during the week representing all of our school values - COURTESY  RESPECT  CO-OPERATION  and RESPONSIBILITY.