Principal's News

It is our fourth week of Term 1 and every student has now received a second box of Rapid Antigen tests. It is so good to see classroom routines well established and children working hard in the classrooms. We have enjoyed tennis clinics and beach swimming. The Specialist Teams are delivering their great programs and the fact that children can run around together outside and have fun have all been a highlight. Our new school leaders are doing an excellent job of running the assemblies and leading the school. Assemblies are held outside every Friday afternoon and will proceed if the weather conditions are suitable. 


A small number of students have been collected from school following presentation with COVID like symptoms (fever, sore throat, headache, upset stomach). It is important that these children are collected promptly and only return to CEPS once they are symptom free. If you are unsure do a RAT test with your child for peace of mind. Unfortunately the mask wearing edict is still in force for students in Years 3-6. Hopefully this will change in the coming weeks. Families need to ensure their contact details are accurate and families have an emergency contact available just in case. 


Call For School Council Nominations

All government schools in Victoria have a School Council. School Councils are legally formed bodies that help to set the key directions of the school within centrally provided guidelines. Parents on School Council provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help shape the direction of the school. 


Nominations are now being called for the parent and DE&T employee member categories of School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. 


Forms are below or available at the office. 


Once completed, these need to be returned to the Office by 4:00pm on Friday March 4th. We have 5 elected parent category members up for re-election (4 x 1 year terms and 1 x 2 year term), as well as 2 elected Education Department employee category members. If there are more nominations received than there are vacancies on Council, a ballot will be conducted in the two weeks after the call of nominations has closed. Being a member of School Council is very rewarding. We currently meet on the third or fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm. You don’t need any previous experience. 


COVID Updates

We are still waiting for the next lot of RAT kits to give out to families. When they arrive we will get them out as soon as possible. 


COVID updates are being sent each day and we will try to get this information to the CEPS community as soon as possible. We continue to follow the Health Department's guidelines to keep everyone safe. Please continue to make sure you notify the school if there is a positive case so we can support the family and protect our community at the same time. Keep up the good work. 


Overall, we have had a successful start to the academic year. Mask wearing has been consistent, the additional masks that you are providing for your children are ensuring that they are protected. Teachers have windows and doors open to maximise ventilation and the air purifiers have been delivered to the classrooms and are all in use. Additionally, we are ensuring that we are limiting the mixing of classes and encouraging the use of outdoor spaces to align with the COVID operations guide.

These actions have led to barely any new cases in our school, everyone is to be congratulated for the joint effort.


For more information on symptoms visit:

For more information on how to get tested visit:




We are in the process of appointing some more teacher’s aides and tutors to help the children with their work.

We welcome Jennifer Hartley and Narelle Smith to our ES staff and we also welcome Morgan Humphris as a Numeracy Tutor starting next Wednesday. Morgan will be working closely with Mr Crebbin on the numeracy area across the school. They will be terrific additions to our staff.



Works in the School

Mr Jon has been working on re-painting the yellow guidelines around the school which are important safety features for all of our school children. He will be re-staining the stage next week which should lift the look of that whole area. He has also been clearing gutters, drain pits and repairing some base boards on a portable which had been damaged by vandals over the weekend.

One of the long term projects will be to put in the totem poles from the eating area to the pathway leading out of the school near the hall. This will also make that area look better.

The three dead trees in the eating area have been removed and will be replaced by new plants which will make the eating area look a lot better. Some of our year 6 students have been busy weeding the garden beds in preparation for planting and a special thanks goes to Lola for leading them.


School Photos

Our school photos were taken on Tuesday. The group and individual photos will take a little while to arrive back at school. If there are any issues please contact the company directly and not the school.


e-safety in the Digital World 

We encourage parents to co-view, co-play, ask questions about the games and apps they are using, and let them know you are there to support them if they are upset or uncomfortable about anything they see online. 


Five top tips to help limit your child’s exposure to harmful content online: 


1. Engage in your child’s online activities – ask what apps, sites and games they are using and make sure they are age-appropriate 


2. Use parental controls on devices to help limit what your child is exposed to 


3. Let them know not everything they see online is real or true. 


4. Help them report and block upsetting content they see on social media sites or apps. 


5. Let them know they can come to you about anything upsetting they see online, and contact Kids Helpline if they need further support. 


CyberSafety is a vital part of our ICT curriculum here at school and is always at the forefront of our thinking when our students are accessing ICTs at school. See also


Dog Reminder

If you are walking to school with a dog you need to leave the dog (no matter how well trained) tied up to the school fence away from children when you enter the school yard. Please note dog owners are liable if one of our students is bitten in the yard. Dog owners need to take into account that some children are terrified of dogs and do not want them close by no matter how friendly they are. 



Great Teachers

We have fabulous teachers here at Cheltenham East PS. What makes a great teacher? Teachers have long-lasting impacts on the lives of their students and the greatest teachers inspire students toward greatness. 

To be successful, a great teacher must have:

  1. An Engaging Personality and Teaching Style
    A great teacher is very engaging and holds the attention of students in all discussions.
  2. Clear Objectives for Lessons
    A great teacher establishes clear objectives for each lesson and works to meet those specific objectives during each class.
  3. Effective Discipline Skills
    A great teacher has effective discipline skills and can promote positive behaviours and change in the classroom.
  4. Good Classroom Management Skills
    A great teacher has good classroom management skills and can ensure good student behaviour, effective study and work habits, and an overall sense of respect in the classroom.
  5. Good Communication with Parents
    A great teacher maintains open communication with parents and keeps them informed of what is going on in the classroom as far as curriculum, discipline, and other issues. They make themselves available for phone calls, meetings, and email.
  6. High Expectations
    A great teacher has high expectations of their students and encourages everyone to always work at their best level.
  7. Knowledge of Curriculum and Standards
    A great teacher has thorough knowledge of the school's curriculum and other standards they must uphold in the classroom. They ensure their teaching meets those standards.
  8. Knowledge of Subject Matter
    This may seem obvious, but is sometimes overlooked. A great teacher has incredible knowledge of and enthusiasm for the subject matter they are teaching. They are prepared to answer questions and keep the material interesting for the students.
  9. Passion for Children and Teaching
    A great teacher is passionate about teaching and working with children. They are excited about influencing students' lives and understand the impact they have.
  10. Strong Rapport with Students
    A great teacher develops a strong rapport with students and establishes trusting relationships

Do your part in strengthening the connection between home and school and get to know your child’s GREAT TEACHER.



“It’s not okay to be away!” Every minute counts! When students stay away from school their learning and friendships are affected. When children arrive late, they interrupt the learning of other students as well as valuable teaching time. 


All children who arrive after 9am must report to the office area first, prior to going to the classroom. This will avoid an “unexplained absence” SMS from the school.  We really look forward to the support of our families in ensuring our students absolutely maximise their educational possibilities by being here ON TIME, EVERY TIME. Your commitment to and interest in your child’s education is absolutely vital to their success at school. 


Sun Smart School

We are a Sun Smart school and as such children are required to wear a school approved legionnaires or a wide brimmed hat from mid-August to end of April when participating in any outdoor activity (eg lunch times, sporting activities, excursions etc). They are also encouraged to bring a water bottle to stay hydrated during the day. On extreme hot weather days the school will be running a Sweat Day timetable where children stay inside. This will be at the discretion of the Principal.


Thought For the Week





















Wayne Bach