0ne-two-rful 1/2s
Term 1 Week 6 2022 - Friday 11th March
What have we been up to?
It’s hard to believe it, but next week will be Week 7. Students should be congratulated on settling back into the school year with such ease and working so well towards each new learning activity. It’s been a busy two weeks since the last newsletter, so let’s get stuck into what has been happening in 1/2.
This week in Reading we began investigating persuasive writing. We introduced students to a text called ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ which is a wonderful story about a box of crayons who are fed-up with their owner Duncan. Students investigated how each crayon used persuasive language to convince their owner Duncan of things that they wanted to change. Why not ask your child about the Red Crayon and why he was feeling so tired?
In Writing we began exploring the purpose and structure of a persuasive text. We discovered that a persuasive text aims to convince the reader of a particular point of view and looked at particular language that can be used in our arguments and evidence.
Maths this week had students using addition strategies to solve many different problems including number sentences and worded problems. We also finished our second week investigating place value and how numbers are made up on different parts including units, tens, hundreds and thousands.
In Inquiry and Science this week we investigated how connections are formed in the brain and what strategies we can use to make sure we retain the information we take in. We also continued looking at how we, just like the mealworms in our classes, change as we grow older.
We are excitedly anticipating ‘Pizza Day’ on Wednesday next week and the teachers vs the 1/2 students in a yet to be determined sport.
It’s been a great last two weeks and we can’t wait to see what the next two weeks have in store for the 1/2 students.
Here are some photo highlights from the fortnight that was!
Welcome to 1/2A Lucky!
1/2 Synergy
What is coming up?
In the weeks ahead students will be reading a range of persuasive texts and discovering what you need to make a compelling argument. Students will be investigating what specific language features can make an argument more convincing and discovering what is a rhetorical question and how it can be used to convince a reader of a particular point of view.
Coming up in writing over the next two weeks, students will begin building the field as they prepare to start writing their first persuasive text this year. Over the next two weeks students will be using their growing knowledge of persuasive writing to start developing their own arguments and backing their arguments up with evidence.
Over the next two weeks students will continue to develop their knowledge of addition strategies and place value, gradually moving into solving subtraction problems as well. They will also start to look at the similarities between addition and subtraction and how these strategies can be used to solve a range of different problems.
Inquiry & Science
In Inquiry and Science students will be investigating what their unique strengths are and how these can be used to help make our school an amazing place for all students. They will also continue to monitor the development of the mealworms in each class and keep an eye out for when they start to undergo their metamorphosis (a big word that means begin to transform into a beetle).
Important reminders:
● Pizza day will be taking place on Wednesday the 16th of March.
● Monday 14th is a public holiday and Tuesday 15th will be a pupil free day.
● Please don’t forget to bring in your hats and water bottles as we have had and will be having more hot days.
● If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.
● Specialist Days
- Monday - Health, Art/Cultural Studies & Music
- Wednesday - PE & Art/Cultural Studies