Community News 

A message stick is a form of graphic communication traditionally used by Aboriginal Australia
A message stick is a form of graphic communication traditionally used by Aboriginal Australia




















We are now able to offer in partnership with Star Health (The Betty Day Centre), in-home vaccinations for individuals ages 5 and over. In home vaccinations are available for:

  • Children and adults with disabilities, including psychosocial disabilities and their carers/families
  • Older individuals who are unable to access a regular GP or vaccination clinic. 
  • Indvidual's with anxiety or needle phobia impacting on their ability to access a vaccination hub or GP

We are able to make reasonable adjustments to the vaccination process, including express check-in, use of VR headsets, use of sensory items and distraction techniques.

Individuals do not need to be in the NDIS or MAC to receive this service.


Plese feel free to circulate our contact details to any families or individuals that may require an in-home vaccination. 


Alfred Health Disability Liaison Office





If you would like to advertise on this space please contact Brooke Sheppard - 9583 8342