Fantastic 3/4
Year 3-4
Term 1 Week 6 2022 - Friday 11th February
What have we been up to?
In Literacy, students have been exploring a variety of different persuasive texts. Students worked to create an incredible persuasive text about football. Together with their class, students co-authored a persuasive text coming up with compelling arguments to support their opinion.
In Maths, students have started using a variety of mental strategies to solve addition. We have been working on how to solve vertical addition problems, using our knowledge of place value and simple addition facts.
In Inquiry, we have continued exploring our unit topic ‘Australia’. In addition to investigating the natural and manmade features of Australia, the states and territories and capital cities and regional centres of Australia we have been exploring the Indigenous Australian perspective of Australia as a land. In particular, songlines (how Indigenous Australians map Australia and use these songlines ways of communicating the landscape of Australia) and a map of Indigenous Australia, which shows over 250 traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language/tribal/nation groups and their country/place.
In Science, students have continued with their unit of study on Earth and Space Sciences. Students have continued to explore the earth, sun and moon’s position within the solar system.
Just a few reminders for our students and families:
- Spelling homework has started. Each week on Monday, students will bring home their spelling homework. We ask that each night students complete a look, say, cover, write, check for their 8 chosen words. Please have students bring in their purple homework folder every Friday.
- We are asking students to read each night, whether it is a levelled book from school or a chapter book of choice for 20 minutes.
- Maths homework will begin this week, students will be logging onto their Essential Assessment and completing 3 tasks of their choice on My Numeracy per week.
What is coming up?
Throughout the next couple of weeks, we will be delving further into the text type narrative. Students will be learning about the structure and purpose of a narrative. Students will be exploring and investigating information related to floods, in particular the current crisis in NSW in order to build content knowledge for their narrative writing.
In Maths, students will continue looking at addition using mental strategies to solve vertical addition problems.
In Inquiry, students will continue to explore Australia by looking at the natural features of the Australian land. In Science, students will investigate light and shadows. The position of the sun and changes in the sky.
Here are some photos of what we have been up to over the last two weeks