Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,



I would like to congratulate all of our students in year 6 who tried out for one of the Leader positions and to the Electoral Commission who came out to run the election.

Well done to our Faction Captains and Councillors who are now in place. We would also like to involve other year six students during the year as well, when opportunities come up.



The P&C AGM and General meeting was held during the week. Congratulations to the outgoing committee led by Sherry Fletcher and sub-committees, for an outstanding effort in 2021 and a warm welcome to the incoming committee. The executive consists of: Courtney Costen-President, Eve Muir-Secretary, Sherry Fletcher-Treasurer and Kate Moeller-Vice President. Most of the Class representatives are now in place though there are a few rooms seeking a class rep. There are also still vacancies on the sub-committees as well.


School Board.

The school Board met on Thursday and welcomed: Megan Bankes, Teresa Matassa and Russell Nicholls who have been newly elected to the Board. They join Lee McIntosh, Daniel Gretton, Ms Tingle, Ms Reid and Mrs Walker for 2022. Thank you to all of you who made contact enquiring about the role when it was advertised.

Our meeting reviewed the Draft Budget along with discussions around COVID information, building projects and use of school facilities. The Board also looked at an update of our Business Plan Tracker with a focus on the first two pillars-Relationships and Partnerships as well as the Learning Environment.


COVID Update:

As we hear about various schools who are coming into contact with, positive COVID cases it is timely to reflect on close contact definitions in a school setting.

Schools are guided by the Education Department COVID Team as well as the Health Department.

On Thursday we were made aware of a positive case with a staff member who had had little contact with others onsite. The COVID team in the Education Department and WA Health were satisfied that no close contacts were identified in the school setting.

If close contacts were to be identified in future cases we will be advised and then communication forwarded to families via email.

The following information has been put in today’s newsletter for your interest.









  • A household member of a person with COVID-19 who has had contact with them during their infectious period.
  • Someone who has had close contact with a person in their infectious period including: [At least 15 minutes face to face contact where a mask was not worn by the exposed person and the person with COVID-19… .Greater than 2 hours within a small indoor space or class, where masks have been removed for this period by the exposed person and the person with COVID-19.
  • Someone who is directed by WA Health that they are a close contact.

The definitions from WA Health try to acknowledge the many situations that arise in primary and secondary settings. In primary we have minimised the mixing of students as well as have in place mask wearing for adults, cleaning processes and hygiene talks with students.



  • Only identified close contacts of a positive case need to self-quarantine for 7 days.
  • Siblings can still attend school if the close contact can isolate away from the rest of the household.
  • If it is not possible for a sibling of a close contact who is isolating at home to not come into contact with the person who is isolating, he or she is also not to attend school for the isolation period.
  • If the close contact becomes positive, then those in isolation with the close contact must get tested and isolate as per instructions from WA Health.

WA Health requires persons isolating return a negative PCR or RAT prior to the end of their quarantine period. If a case was to occur here at White Gum Valley PS it would be helpful if this could then be shared with the school.

Thank you for your support with the fluid situation at present. Our school will continue to keep parents informed. The Education Department also has a parent COVID-19 helpline on 1800882345 available between 8:00am-4:00pm on weekdays.


Adventure Playground.

Our new student inspired playground is close to commencing construction. It is hoped that it will be available from the 29th of April. Due to material cost increases some aspects have been removed from the original plan. The equipment will be built at the back of the cricket nets and will take up the long jump pit area as well.


Glenn Rondoni
