Principal's message

by Ms Reynolds

COVID update

As we have seen over recent days, COVID (especially the new Omicron variant) continues to spread across our city. We, like many schools, have lots of students and staff impacted by either testing positive or being a household contact and needing to isolate. We continue to support good health and hygiene and support students, staff and families who are sick or at home. If you need further support - please ring and chat to the office staff, or get online to find out where you can get support: Advice for Families.


At GEPS, we are continuing to implement the Department's current layered measures:

  • Students, staff and visitors must stay home, if sick
  • Use Rapid Antigen Test kits if you have any symptoms
  • Maximise ventilation and distancing where practicable
  • Enhanced daily cleaning
  • Focus on personal hygiene
  • All school staff are required to be double vaccinated against COVID-19
  • All students are encouraged to get the COVID-19 vaccine
  • Masks are recommended and supported (but not mandatory).

We are trying to continue with community events, open classrooms and school gatherings, using COVID-smart measures to keep everyone safe.

A Look Inside the Classrooms

We have held a range of Open Classroom opportunities - for every grade and stage! Thank you to all of the families who attended to hear stories; do craft; watch a film; see your child's work; be ushered around the room; have a chat with the teachers; and even grab a BBQ sandwich on the way out! 

What we've been up to...

Our Year 6 boys visited Granville Boys High School last week. They were hosted by ex-students and did some fabulous science experiments! 

9 students also performed at the Ken Rosewell Arena, Homebush, as part of the Pulse Alive performance. And - we celebrated Harmony Day!

Learning Conversations

Learning Conversations start for Year 6 and Kindy this term.

These 3-way conversations are part of our GEPS-Connects strategy. This is because we believe that all members of our school community are learners - and we learn best together! 

We strongly value taking the time to sit down with parents and students to discuss learning. That's why we put aside half and hour to have a meaningful conversation around progress, achievement, supports and learner behaviours. Our staff will also provide strategies for you to support at home. 

Parents of Year 6 & KPlanets - please make a time to meet with your child's teacher! Years 1 - 5 Conversations will take place next term.

2 more weeks to go!

The end of term 1 is Friday 8 April. We are hosting a whole-school assembly (in person) on Monday 4 April at 9:15am in the Hall. This Celebration Assembly will recognise great behaviour (by awarding Gold Badges) as well as learning behaviours across all classes. We hope that you can join us then.