Curriculum In Focus

Awareness Through Education #6 Multiple Intelligences
If you asked your child/ren to identify ‘smart’ people, who would they pick? Classmates who are good at reading, writing and maths? Scientists? Mathematicians?
There is often a misconception that intelligence is limited to the core subjects, but in actual fact there are many more forms of it.
Sometimes when a student has a negative perception of themselves and thinks they are ‘dumb’, I use the visual attached. It’s powerful and demonstrates that there are many forms of intelligence, all equal in importance.
Take the chance to have a discussion surrounding intelligence with your child/ren:
- What makes someone smart?
- Do you see yourself as a ‘smart’ student? Why/why not?
- What are you good at and do you see that as a form of intelligence?
- What do you notice about the multiple intelligences visual?
Thank you
James Field
Kelas Bahasa Indonesia
Ketentuan ini, kami menpelajari Indonesia, nomor nomor dan warna warna dalam kelas Foundation.
Ketentuan ini, kami menpelajari cerita anak anak dalam kelas Satu dan Dua.
Ketentuan ini, kami menpelajari makanan di Indonesia dalam kelas Tiga, Empat dan Lima.
~In Foundation this term we are learning about Indonesia, numbers and colours. ~
~ In Years 1 and 2 this term we are learning about Indonesian Children’s Stories. ~
~ In Years 3 to 5 this term we are learning about eating in Indonesia. ~
Kelas Foundation
During week 1 and 2 we focus on basic introductions and feelings. Listed below are some of the sentences that we are introducing and vocabulary specific to this topic.
Nama saya __________. My name is ____________.
Saya berasal dari ___________. I come from _____________.
Umur saya _________ tahun. I am ________ years old.
Saya senang – I am happy
Saya senang sekali – I am excited
Saya cape – I am tired
Saya sakit – I am sick
Saya sedih – I am sad
Kelas Satu dan Dua
During week 1 and 2 we focus on introducing a traditional Indonesian folk story called Kancil dan Buaya (Java Mouse-deer and Crocodile).
Kancil – Java Mouse Deer (Click the link to see more about this animal:
Buaya – Crocodile
Barislah! Line up!
Saya hitung! I’m counting!
Kelas Tiga, Empat dan Lima
During week 1 and 2 we focus on the different types of places we can eat in Indonesia and some of the most popular Indonesian foods / meals.
Warung - Cafe
Pedagang kaki lima – Traditional Indonesian food cart
Restauran - Restaurant
Kafateria - Cafeteria
Rumah makan – Dining room
Dapur - Kitchen
Terima Kasih,
Bu Kate dan Bu Chelsea