Parent Information

OGPS School Disco (Thursday, 21st July)
(Whole School Casual Dress Day and Gold Coin Donation)
Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 @1.40pm
Year 3 and 4 @2.30pm
Year 5 and 6 (80's theme dress up for their disco) @ 5.30-6.30pm
(Please Note: Year 5 & 6 Parents/guardians will need to sign in/out their child from the disco). Don't forget your Ventolin/EpiPen's etc.
Year 3-6 Athletics (Friday, 22nd July)
Please ensure you have given permission via Sentral before Friday, 22nd July.
Book Club
All book club orders are due by this Friday 22nd July. All orders are online.
Thank you
Sally Rocke
Rapid Antigen Tests:
Ocean Grove Primary School have a supply of Rapid Antigen Tests for students.
Please click this link to access the Order Form
Child Safe Standards
Have you seen the New Child Safe Standards Information?
Please click here to access this information
Sibling Enrolments - Foundation (Prep)
If you have a child who will be starting with us in 2023 and they already have a sibling with us at Ocean Grove Primary School in 2022, it would be helpful if you could fill out an enrolment form (please see the link below) and return to the office. This will assist with planning for 2023.
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