COVID 19 Information

If a case of COVID-19 is reported to Ocean Grove Primary School, all families will be notified via email.


Students who show symptoms of COVID-19 cannot attend school and should get tested and isolate


If your child is not experiencing COVID-19 symptoms but was in the year level with the confirmed covid case, they can continue to attend school but should monitor for symptoms


For information on symptoms visit:

For more information on how to get tested visit:


Reporting Covid-19

The Department of Education and Training has set up a portal for parents to notify schools if their child/children test positive to COVID19. To do this you will need to register and set up and account. This is a quick and easy process. 


Parents only need to report their test result if it is COVID-positive. They must report a COVID-positive result to:


"How to" guide to assist you if you need to report a case. I have also provided below the information on the process of making a report: