From the Principal

Dear Families,
Gratitude: I am so grateful to work at OGPS! I was reflecting over the holidays and then again last week at how good the kids are here, how talented the staff are and how supportive our families are too! So, in short – THANKS!
Parent – Teacher meetings: Sentral is open for bookings for these meetings. 10 mins per family is available but please be aware some of our staff may be on leave and have their times beyond week 3. They may have notified you about this already on Seesaw. Please liaise with your child’s teacher if this is the case.
Disco: Not long now until we get our groove on! The wonderful P&F team are busy preparing for the disco in the gym on Thursday. Just a reminder that it is a casual dress day with a gold coin donation to help the Year 6 graduation celebrations. Please remind your children to have a great time!
Athletics: We have contacted the weather planners and ordered a glorious day on Friday (fingers crossed) for our Year 3-6 House Athletics Day. I have had a sneak peak at the program from Mr Armstrong and it looks great! Buses will be departing from 9am on the dot! Please be prompt so we can get to Landy Field and start on time. Bring a mask for the bus trip too!
School Council: We met again last night for the July Meeting to discuss all aspects of school life. Finance and fundraising, facilities, Inclusion and so much more. Again, I am very grateful for the group that forms Council as they are proactive and willing to so much heavy lifting. At times they will need further support to help our school continue to progress so when an opportunity comes up, please see what you can do for your child’s school.
Healthy Heroes: Yesterday I saw a few Geelong Football club players in our school. They came to discuss being a healthy hero and promote healthy habits. Please continue to have these conversations with your children over thew years to ensure they develop healthy habits. Lots of autographs were given out at the end!
Project Rockit: Again, another quality program and visitor to the school to help our students engage in cybersafety and online behaviours. It is a tricky world as a parent to navigate at times and it is important we, as parents, support each other when needed. Keep safe online everyone!
Mia Reece: Mia finishes with us this Friday and we wish her all the best as she ventures into parenthood soon. Mia has been a wonderful staff member and teacher at OGPS and I know you will all wish her the very best. Thanks for everything Mia and we look forward to meeting your new addition to the family.
Relationships Based Education (RbE): Next week Andy McNeilly and I will be meeting with John Hendry OAM to discuss all things education and relationships. John will be presenting to our school community soon and I encourage you all (or at least 1 adult) from your family to attend this event. Not only is John an engaging presenter, but he is also genuinely passionate about schools building strong relationships with students. Andy will provide more details in his section, so please keep an eye out for these opportunities – Tuesday 9th August @ 7.30pm.
Parent Helpers: We have over 70 families represented in our training sessions that Kerryn and Ann have conducted! Thanks so much for your attendance and we look forward to seeing you in action in the classes. Staff will begin to liaise with you soon and arrange dates and times via Seesaw. Thanks again.
Assembly: This week the Year 2’s will be hosting assembly for the P-2 students as many of us will be at the Aths day. Can I also acknowledge our School Captains who last week had nearly 700 people in the audience and the PA system decided to stay on holidays, but our leaders pushed on, persisted and had to project their voice. Well done, Captains!
Have a great week everyone.
Scott McCumber