The Middle Years Program

MYP Personal Project Spotlight on Camryn Stubbs 10B




I was delighted when Camryn presented me with her Personal Project product, a dress she designed to represent her learning on mental health issues. Here is an extract from her report: 


Learning Goal

The Learning Goal for my Personal Project is to research five different mental illnesses to educate myself on them. With this understanding, I am going to design a dress including elements of each mental illness from the research I conduct. I will then educate myself on dressmaking to be able to combine aspects of each dress and I will then sew this dress and make it a product. 


This project is important to me because I am interested in mental illnesses and anything about the brain as I want to become a scientist in the field of psychology or neuroscience. The sewing aspect is because I have always grown up making things, my Nan knits and makes cards, my mum used to own a clothing business where she made the clothes, and I grew up making cards, scrapbooking, and learning but not enjoying knitting with my Nan, with my mum I was sewing and making things. So, this project is important to me because it is something that I can help myself with in the future and it will give me a chance to have a creative and hands-on aspect that can educate people in a different light.


It will make me a stronger learner as I will have to research and understand mental illnesses without presenting misinformation, and I will have to research information on making dresses. It will also make me a stronger learner as I will have to challenge myself and do a big project with not a lot of time.




My product will be a dress design with information on why I chose each aspect of the dress and a dress made that has one of each component of each dress in it. This is in hopes of educating and allowing others to understand the struggle and/or awareness that needs to go around for these mental illnesses.


Well done, Camryn! If you would like to see the Y10 Personal Project exhibition it will be held on Friday 9 September in the Oakleigh Grammar Conference Centre commencing at 9 am and concluding at 1:15 pm. Family and friends are most welcome.