Debating News

The Debating team ran workshops at three different primary schools this term as a part of the Grade 5 Debating Competition. The dedicated mentors from Years 7 to 10 attended and ran workshops at Preston Primary, Preston North East and Kingsbury. This was an introduction to debating to help prepare them for the competition held at our school. The students outlined the how to of debating structures, gave tips and ran public speaking games. They were excellent with the primary school students and represented Reservoir High School proudly and worked on building vital relationships with the local community.
Mentors were Emilia Blackwell, Giorgio Blackwell, Chi Dam, Mia Amidzic, Shanisa Rajarajan, Mehaknoor Kaur, Ebony Smith and Jake Chen.
Ms Warren
Debating Coordinator
Student reflection from Chi Dam 8D
The Year 5 debating workshop was a new experience for me, and it was enjoyable. I showed up to 2 of the 4 workshops that were set- 3 of them being excursions to the schools, and it was a wonderful opportunity to teach the Year 5s who were eager to learn more about debating. The schools that were visited were Preston, Preston North-East, and Kingsbury Primary. I was joined by a handful of people from the debating team, and Miss Keaughran and Miss Warren. During the workshops, we did activities with the schools that helped develop and prepare them for the upcoming Year 5 debates, as well as introducing them to Matter, Manner, and Method. It was overall really fun, and we were able to meet many students from lower year levels- and we hope to see them in the upcoming Year 5 debates!