VCE Studio Arts excursion

Students of Unit 4 Studio Arts enjoyed visiting ‘The Picasso Century’ at the National Gallery Victoria, International. Spanning the entirety of the NGV’s Ground Level, the exhibition charts the extraordinary career of Pablo Picasso in dialogue with the many artists, poets and intellectuals with whom he intercepted and interacted throughout the 20th century. Students enjoyed a guided tour by Ms Sarroff while taking notes as preparation for their coursework.
We also visited nearby commercial and artist-run galleries in the Nicholas Building, one of Melbourne’s most valuable cultural hubs, home to many artists, designers and creative enterprises. Students discovered different types of galleries and their business models. We learned about gallery aims, funding, promotion/marketing, conservation and preservation, presentation and curatorial intentions. It was a very interesting and fun day out.
Although The Picasso Century is ticketed, all other NGV exhibitions are free to the public. Students and families may wish to visit galleries and museums during weekends and term breaks. The NGV is open every day from 10am to 5pm. For more information go to
Most other galleries throughout Melbourne are also free and open to the public. For information
Ms Tracy Sarroff
Teacher of Art
Professional Practice Learning Specialist