Koorie Health and Medical Careers Taster Day

The Koorie Health and Medical Careers Taster Day was organised by Reservoir High School in partnership with VACCHO (Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation), which is the peak body for Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing in Victoria and AIDA (Australian Indigenous Doctors Association).

Reservoir High School hosted the Health Taster Day for Koorie students from Years 7-12 and was also attended by students from Thornbury High School and William Ruthven Secondary College. We were privileged to have Uncle Jim Berg who is a Gunditjmara Elder and Dr. Glen Harrison who is a Wotjobaluk Emergency Doctor at the Royal Melbourne Hospital as keynote speakers for the day. We also had Abe Ropipini from VACCHO and a number of university medical students attend including a past Reservoir High Year 12 School Captain, 'Ebony Jackson' who is currently studying in the Health Sciences. 


The day began with an acknowledgement of country,  introduction from the

keynote speakers, followed by workshops and a delicious lunch generously provided by VACCHO. We wish to thank the following organisations for their attendance on this special day, and for the invaluable careers advice they provided for the students :

The University of Melbourne

La Trobe University

Monash University

Deakin University  

Melbourne Polytechnic 

Royal Melbourne Hospital 

Royal Womens Hospital 

Northern Hospital

St Vincents Hospital 

Korri Maternity Services

Public Health Medical Officers 

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

VAHS (Victorian Aboriginanl Health Services)



This expo day was an incredible opportunity for young indigenous students to learn more about the many and varied career options that are available in the Medical and Allied Health sector. There were many exhibits on the day and students engaged enthusiastically and were given the opportunity to have hand on experience measuring blood pressure, using ultrasound equipment, listening to the heart with a stethoscope, handling surgical instruments and so much more.

The students engaged with University, Tafe and Hospital staff about various pathways they could pursue to reach their educational goals. The message here for aspiring students is 'Look what you can be'. 

It was a fabulous day, enjoyed by all. 

Baby Wombat
Baby Wombat

Maddi Barker - Current Year 12 student at Reservoir High school


As a student aspiring to be a nurse the day was really beneficial for me. I had spoken

to many nurses from The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Royal Women's Hospital and the Northern Hospital. I also heard from all the universities and the many opportunities they have to offer in relation to what I am hoping to do.

Monash University
Rice paper rolls Koorie style
Dr Glenn Harrison, Uncle Jim Berg and Ms Michael
Uncle Jim Berg addressing students and reading his poetry
Australian Indigenous Doctors Association
Monash University
Rice paper rolls Koorie style
Dr Glenn Harrison, Uncle Jim Berg and Ms Michael
Uncle Jim Berg addressing students and reading his poetry
Australian Indigenous Doctors Association