Principal's Report

A message from Lea Volpe 

We are already half way through the term and what a busy term it has been. As you all know our School Principal, Andrew McNeil, has taken long service leave for the rest of the term, hence I am the Acting Principal. Ms Ashleigh Hudson is the Acting Assistant Principal while I am in this role and she is working with Middle School. Our other Assistant Principal, Jodie Purches, is working with Junior School and Senior School.


Parent/Teacher Conferences


Once again Parent/Teacher Conferences were well attended and were again a success online and thank you to all involved. These conferences were an opportunity to not only discuss the progress of your child but also for you to give any relevant information that would assist with your child’s education. Before the next conferences, we will seek your input in regards to how you would like to move forward with conferences in the future, that is online or face to face.


Events and excursions


Over the last few weeks many events and excursions have taken place. It is wonderful that we are able to run all of these activities and events face to face as this time last year we were in lockdown. We are certainly making up for lost time and we strongly encourage students to be involved as education does not just occur in the classroom. These extra-curricula activities are an opportunity to learn how to work with others, develop independence and take responsibility.

Some of the excursions and events that have taken place so far this term are the Le Mana Pasifika Program, Year 9 Advance City Experience, Year 8 STEM Camp, Grade 5 Debating, Parliamentary Convention, Koorie Health and Medical Career Taster Day, Year 11 Outdoor Ed Orienteering, Dream Big Expo, Year 12 Studio Arts NGV, Interschool Sport, VCAL Industry visit and Year 10 Outdoor Ed Rock Climbing. As you can see it is a very long list for only 5 weeks. I thank all the staff who have organised all of these events as it does take quite a lot of planning.


Pathways Planning


Planning for 2023 is well underway. Course counselling has occurred for all Year 9, 10 and 11 students and they have selected their 2023 subjects. Year 7 and 8 course counselling has also  commenced. Year 8 students have the opportunity to select their Art and Technology subjects and the Year 7 students select what language they would like to study in Year 8.  The Year 12 students are now going through the process of selecting their tertiary courses. A VTAC information night was held a week ago.

We are now in the process of interviewing students who are interested in the new VCE Vocation Major. We are also in the process of looking at the student selections and deciding which subjects will run and how many classes for each subject. We will organise your child’s subjects as soon as possible but it is a long process.

It has been a very busy term so far but a very productive one. As mentioned earlier it is the term where we do most of our 2023 planning. We will keep you informed of important dates and events coming up.

We also hope Mr McNeil is having a wonderful time in sunny Queensland and enjoying the warm weather.


School Production – Suessical Jnr


This year we are able to have a face to face audience for 3 nights for our production, ‘Suessical Jnr’. There have been many hours of rehearsals with hard working students and staff, who are all very excited to perform to a live audience. It would be great if you can come along and support the students and have an enjoyable night in the process. Tickets can be bought on Trybooking and the dates are Wednesday 31 August, Thursday 1 September and Friday 2 September. I encourage you to buy tickets soon so you do not miss out. I look forward to seeing you there.