Chinese Read Aloud Competition.

In Term 3 the school holds it’s Language Competitions for Chinese.
The Chinese Reading Award is open to Year 7, 8, and 9 Chinese language students studying the subject.
In this competition, students read out a 200-character passage written in Chinese, printed both in characters and pinyin. The Year 7’s reading topic was ‘My Family’, Year 8’s reading topic was ‘My Birthday’, and Year 9’s reading topic was ‘My Hobbies’.
The following students won the reading competition and demonstrated an excellent understanding of the content and performed using authentic accent in reading.
Year 7:
1st place: Shanisa Rajarajan
2nd place: Alleasha Fenton
3rd place: Celine Sidaoui
Year 8:
1st place: Aiden Turker
2nd place: Jennifer Ngo
3rd place: Elise Cotas
Year 9:
1st place: Abdelmumen Nakoa
2nd place: Ashmina Zygadlo
3rd place: Niharika Jindal and Henry Nguyen
Due to gaining 1st place in the Reservoir High School Chinese Reading Competition, the three winners, Shanisa Rajarajan, Aiden Turker, and Abdelmumen Nakoa, were invited to attend the Chinese Language Teacher’s Association of Victoria Reading Competition competing against many other Victoria schools. At the venue, they were only given 10 minutes each to prepare and practise their reading passages. Their task was to read aloud four lengthy paragraphs of a previously unseen text. The standard was high, with points going to students who showed presentation of Reading Fluency and Phrasing, Pronunciation, Tonal Accuracy, Understanding, Intonation and Pausing of the speech.
On Saturday afternoon, our three students did amazingly well. They presented in full school uniform at the University of Melbourne Spots Theatre in front of 250 students and parents from across many schools and then also regional schools who joined the event via Zoom.
Shanisa, Aiden, and Abdelmumen demonstrated excellent public speaking and presentation skills, and completed their reading task to a high level of standard, making the families and us proud.
Well done all students.
Ms Liao and Mr GM Barker