Student Learning 


This week we’ve had the school favourite ‘Nanna B’ conduct science lessons in all classes. We all love her visits and the noise and excitement coming from the Multi-Purpose Room suggests once again the kids had a ball. We can’t thank Nanna B and Christie enough for the fun and knowledge they give to our school. We are forever thankful to the both of them!


Here are some 3/4 students completing their experiments!




Ned Show: The Foundation students loved watching the Ned Show. They learnt some very important messages 


Never give up

Encourage others 

Do your best.


They couldn't wait to try out some of the cool yo-yo tricks they saw. 


Reading: In Foundation they have focused on learning to summarise their books. They were able to draw and write the beginning, middle and end of their books. They have also enjoyed finding their new heart words in their books.


Writing: The students have continued to work hard on their Poetry unit. They have been busy publishing their alliteration and repeat poems. On Friday, everybody was very excited to share their work with the other students in the school.


Maths: The children have been learning about fractions. They enjoyed cutting fruit into halves, quarters and eights. They also made some wonderful posters to demonstrate their understanding. 


The students have continued to learn about money. They had fun creating their very own shops making signs, pricing their items for sale and selling them to their classmates using play money.