Principal's Message

This time of year comes with excitement and trepidation for many of our students and teachers. 


Students in Years 8, 9 and 10, together with their parents and guardians have attended subject webinars throughout the past week which were presented by Ms Goddard: Assistant to the Principal Learning and Teaching and our Learning Leaders. 


As a follow-up to these webinars, students have attended subject seminars, individual mentoring sessions with teachers and have been immersed in classroom information sessions explaining each subject and subject pathways for 2023 and beyond. 


Year 8 and 9 students have also been able to explore the new interactive Subject Handbook on SEQTA to support their 2023 subject choices. Screencasts for electives in all Learning Areas have been developed by our teachers and students have spent time exploring new insights into the many subjects on offer next year, which include Wonderful and Diverse Beliefs, Am I Old Enough?, Know your Money, Migrant Nation and Food Styling and Marketing. 

All students have been encouraged to choose subjects that not only lead towards their future pathways, but to choose subjects that are of interest to them and make their hearts sing. When speaking with students involved with subject selection, I was overwhelmed by their commitment to discerning each subject and how they feel they will approach the subjects next year. It reminded me of the following quote from Fr Richard Rohr:


“Whenever your heart space, your mind space, and your body space are all present and accounted for at the same time, you can experience pure presence, a moment of deep inner connection with the pure, gratuitous Being of anything and everything. It will often be experienced as a quiet leap of joy in the heart.” - Fr Richard Rohr


Upon reflection, I certainly do feel the students are discerning the areas of study that make their hearts sing, for they know that if they are interested in the subject content, they will love attending class, have a positive mindset and be open to new learnings. 


Ms Bernadette Casey

Assistant to the Principal: Faith and Mission