Outdoor Education camp

Twenty-nine Year 10 Outdoor Education students attended a 3-day camp at Mirimbah in the first week of November. The highlight of the trip was intended to be completing the very stunning 17km Mount Stirling 'Loop Walk'. Unfortunately, we could not complete all of this walk due to an unseasonal snow event the previous day However, we all loved the unexpected and unique beauty of witnessing heavy snow in November!
We happily trudged our way through very deep snow until an impending "White Out" nearing Mt Stirling forced us to turn back. It was five hours of very memorable walking.
Students used one pot, Trangia stoves, to cook evening dehydrated meals, which was a new culinary opportunity for most, albeit with varying degrees of success! Apparently ravenous hunger occasionally detracts from reading instructions carefully, which can result in some rather unusual "soupy" meals!
Well done to all students who attended. Thanks to Kelly Sourlos and Grant McMurdo for their wonderful contribution.
Bron Hutchinson
Outdoor Education Teacher