BMGS Community Notice - Annual Trivia Night
The 2022 Annual P & F Trivia Night will be held next Saturday, 6th August, in Cuff Hall. Doors open at 6:30pm (for table dressing) with the event to start promptly at 7:00pm.
This is always a great BMGS Community event and great fun! The event couldn't run last year due to lockdown, and was online the year before, so the P&F Committee is looking forward to bringing together our families for a relaxed and social night out.
For those who have joined the School community since 2019 and have not attended our legendary Trivia Nights, there is a Table Theme each year. This year - in honour of the Queen's 75th Jubilee - our theme will be "Royalty". The theme applies to decorating your table, and your team members, with the Royal theme you choose to use. This may be any style of Royalty, and the more imaginative the themes, the more fun the Judge will have deciding the best in the room!
Please note that the theme applies to the Best Dressed/Best Table categories - the questions are wide-ranging, not all about the theme! Question categories include History, Geography, Science, The Arts, General Knowledge, and more.
There will be prizes for the Best Dressed Table; Best Dressed Adult; Best Dressed Student, and, of course, the winning table (on points) and the runners-up table (on points).
Tables comprise 8 players (MAXIMUM), so put a team together and book your table now. For those who wish to come along but do not have a 'team', please indicate this when booking your ticket and we add you to tables that also need additional players in their team. Bring along a supper for your table; tea and coffee will be provided.
Tickets cost $30pp (Adult) and $15pp (Student/Conc). Bookings may be made online through Trybooking via this link.
Donations Needed!
The Organisers are also seeking donations of prizes for the event - if you would like to donate a prize/voucher for this year's event, these may be left at any of our School Receptions - donations will be acknowledged in the event program and the Newsletter.