Mid Year Awards Assembly

Mid Year Awards Assembly
Our college community gathered together on the second morning of term for the presentation of awards for academic excellence and academic endeavour at the Mid Year Awards Assembly.
Academic awards recognise outstanding academic achievement across the breadth and depth of the curriculum.
Endeavour awards are awarded to students who have shown consistent effort and a focused attitude in their academic studies.
All award winners are selected based upon the academic results throughout the first semester.
This year, our Mid Year Awards Assembly featured special guest David Southwick. David is the state member in the Victorian Parliament for the seat of Caulfield. He is currently the Deputy Leader of the Victorian Liberal Party, and is the Shadow Minister for CBD Recovery, Jobs and Employment, the Events Industry, Business Recovery, Small Business and Business Precincts.
Congratulations to all of the award winners in the following categories:
Year 7
Marko Le
Monako Bernabe
Milja Lin
Ridhi Panuganti
Jessica Allen
Leila Iseya-Louey
Arnaud Ong
Isabella Kelaher
Sofia Murrie
Aayushree Bhattarai
Charlotte Colless
Ella Foreman
Oscar Lowe
Sharannya Chakravorty
Adeline Chan
Gaby Duieb
Annika Kurtis
Zac Millar
Nina Todisco
Caitlin Buckley
Rusham Maharjan
Harry Peipert
Pranit Praveen
Aditri Sinha
Qinger Wu
Year 8
Gabriel Thevenon
Alexander Brown
Louise Eymin Petot Tourtollet
Saanvi Hiremath
Riya Kanta
Monique Fleming
Luna Quach
Marija Rajchevikj
Keira Nethercote
Elizabeth Wong
Daksha Menariya
Boris Tosovic
Josephine Forbes
Adele Forbes
Nile Roberts
Alexis Vinsonneau
Emma Dansin
Connor Meade
Louis Mulet
Evan Shields
Holly Hudson-Thompson
Veer Gampa
Daniel Arndtheim
Gabriel Zmood
Emmi Thomas
Year 9
Constance Gaudey
Jamie Katic
Emma Blair
Imogen Matthews
Ashleigh Emerson
Daniel Morris
Bianca Clarke
Olivia Millar
Ava Renton
Snehi Patel
Margot Yao-Leclerc
Saskia De Bruin
Leonora Karabelas
Zachary Servadei
Fu Yang Xue
Dakota Kringas
Lara Melkis
Shanmukh Chennuri
Year 10
Sholly Burstin
Natalie Duieb
Nina Gibbs
Hanako Gunton
Audrey Ho
Claudia Ong
Gabe Slatem
Amelia Sujana
Eve Gascoigne
Chloe Harris
Pierre Maziarz
Liam Mischel
Lily Skinner
Year 11
Nicole Faith Agpoon
Mansha Arora
Ellie Dabos
Kayla Fox
Rayne Harari
Alika Mogilevsky
Uno Mondejar
Grace Williams
Ali Hussaini
Pranjal Menariya
Jay Trickey
Jess Whiteman
Aaron Petersen
Assistant Principal