Senior School News

Senior School News
Term 3 is when much of the Senior School focus is on next year. The Year 12 students are now beginning the process of registering for VTAC and considering their 2023 course preferences. Each student should book a meeting with Heather Palm to ensure this is done correctly and is fully completed before the closing dates.
All Year 12 students will be required to sit practice exams during the first week of the upcoming school holidays. These exams are a vital part of the students’ preparation. The first set of practice exams that cover content encompassing an entire years learning can give the students a real insight into their level of readiness.
We have almost completed the first part of the course counselling process with current Year 9-11 students. Once we have collated the numbers for each class we will begin preparing the subject blocks for 2023. We will then be in contact with students who have clashes or need to be re-counselled when some subjects are not running. As students are considering their subject choices for 2023 it is worth reminding students and families about the Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES). They will be offering University enhancement subjects (as part of the VCE) and also some VCE subjects. For more information please contact me at
While our focus has been on next year, Year 11 & 12 students have been getting stuck into unit 2 and 4. Many subjects have had their first SAC by now and students need to continue to ensure they are prepared well for all of their classes. Students who do not satisfactorily complete a SAC are required to sit a SAC redemption after school on a Tuesday. Once students start requiring SAC redemptions it is hard to get out of that cycle as it takes away from the preparation required for other SACs.
Jeff Micallef
Senior School Leader
Year 11 News
I am happy to have seen students starting Semester 2 well after what was hopefully a restorative and relaxing mid-year school holidays. The transition into VCE is never an easy one to make but I am proud to see how many students have risen to the challenge – well done!
I’m also excited to see the huge amount of interest we have had in our Year 11 Ski Camp which will run at the end of August. The Behaviour Code of Conduct, itinerary and packing list have been sent to 52 families. Students going on camp will receive more information about room configurations soon.
A reminder that all Year 11 students who are currently doing a Year 12 subject will have to sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Wednesday, 7th September and will have to sit it again next year. More about this year’s GAT and the details of an upcoming information session will be posted on the Year 11 Google Classroom in the coming weeks.
Wishing everyone the best of luck for the rest of Term 3!
Karen Eap
Year 11 Coordinator
Year 12 News
Year 12 students are fast approaching the end of unit 4 subjects and therefore it is a timely reminder that effective revision includes completing past examination papers which can be accessed through the VCAA website: There are other resources such as ‘Checkpoints VCE 2022’ and ‘ATAR Note’s which are available for overnight borrowing. Any borrowed items from the library should be returned in a timely manner to allow other students the opportunity to use the same resources.
Heather Palm has been announcing important dates, events and booking schedules for Year 12 students on the google classroom. On Thursday 28th July, students attended a VTAC information session, where the application process for tertiary applications was discussed. Heather will be working closely with each the student to ensure that they have applied for tertiary courses and other pathways for life beyond secondary school.
All Year 12 students will be completing the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Wednesday 7th September. ‘Victorian senior secondary students will this year have their literacy and numeracy skills measured against new standards in a reformed GAT. The new standards will indicate whether students have demonstrated the literacy and numeracy skills typically expected of someone completing their secondary schooling – giving another indication of their readiness to move onto further education, training or employment.’
All students will attend a GAT information session, prior to the event. The date/time of the session will be announced in the Year 12 classroom.
Lastly, special examination arrangements are being approved by VCAA. As these arrangements have been downloaded a copy will be given to the student and a copy will be kept at school.
Once again please do not hesitate to contact me with any issues.
Laura Brancatella
Year 12 Coordinator