Junior School News

Year 7
Putting the best foot forward in the new semester
We welcome the Year 7s to the third term of the year. The Year 7s have not only started a new timetable for this term but their practical studies have also changed. Before focusing on this semester, it is important to celebrate the successes of our Year 7s, as so many performed exceptionally well in Semester One, judging by their academic results.
As Coordinators and teachers, we are also very proud of the improvement shown by students in general. Starting at a new school, getting used to a new system and making connections with students and staff can be daunting and challenging for some. It can take a whole semester before students firmly find their footing in a new school. We have worked closely with families to ensure that this transition has been a smooth one for their children and for parents as well, who have their eldest child in secondary school education.
A focal point for us as Coordinators has also been to elevate Year 7 students to leadership positions and we continue to work through this to ensure that as many students as possible, step up and take on leadership roles. So far, we have nominated students to host primary school teachers and present the ‘Share our Success’ day, participate in Open Night, be on the Student Representative Council (SRC) and this semester, we have approached some Year 7 students to be part of the GEC Uniform Sub-Committee.
So many more opportunities will present throughout this semester, for example, we will require a number of students to assist with the 2023 Year 7 transition program and we will ask students to put themselves forward to assist in the running of the program.
We wish all our Year 7 cohort another happy and successful semester.
Mary Maniatis and Chris Zuccala
Year 7 Coordinators
Year 8 News
What a way to start Semester 2! Year 8 Camp was a phenomenal success for all those who were able to participate. We were incredibly impressed by the willingness of the students to rise to challenges and face their fears. Whether jumping from the leap of faith, crawling into the pitch-black cave, or getting up close to a python, everyone was able to take a risk and try something new.
Student behaviour was also fantastic, with camp staff noting how supportive they were with one another. As Year 8 Coordinators, we could not be prouder of our cohort and look forward to celebrating them with a video slideshow of the event at our next Year Level Assembly.
As the term rolls on students are busily completing their Subject Selection Forms for Year 9 2023. Thank you to those who have submitted via XUNO. We are also looking forward to launching the inaugural edition of the GEC Junior School Premier League with players participating in 5-a-side football (soccer) during lunchtime.
We will continue to encourage students to make the most of opportunities available to them. You only get to do Year 8 once after all!
We would also like to extend our thanks to parents and carers for the positive feedback we have received whether general or camp related. Please continue to get in touch if we can help in any way.
Daniel Bouchet-Hibbert & Jake Sherman
Year 8 Coordinators
Year 9 News
It was great to see our Year 9s on the first day back at the whole school assembly receiving Academic and Endeavour Awards. Congratulations and well done to all the award recipients. Keep up the good work. This term is the right one to set new goals for rest of this year so your hard work is recognised and rewarded at our next whole school assembly at the end of semester 2.
We were lucky to have 2018 GEC past students at our Year 9 assembly who shared their experiences and gave tips to students to do their best at school. It was great to see how engaged students all were at this assembly and they asked great questions.
This week there are some disruptions to Year 9 classes due to Year 10 subject selection counselling sessions which will be finished by end of this week. Hope you all got the subjects that you wish to take. If there are any questions please come and speak to us asap.
We are proud of all the amazing work you have been doing by seizing opportunities by participating in extracurricular activities apart from doing your daily school work. We would like to see more Year 9s get involved in extracurricular activities outside the school, at sports, chess club, robotics club, Art club, Enterprising & Sewing club etc. So please encourage your child to read the daily student bulletin and take any opportunity that might seems interesting. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any competition or lunch time clubs please feel free to contact relevant teachers or year level coordinators.
There are changes to the school timetable again this week of term 3. We want students to check their daily timetable on XUNO so learning equipment and uniform items can be organised, especially for PE and non PE days. Also remember to try and maintain a healthy routine to help get through the day with a good night's sleep and active/screen breaks regularly throughout the day. Also, we welcome a few new students in Year 9, and their families, to our GEC community.
Tax Super and You competition for 2022 is open now. Entries will close at 5.00pm AEST on Friday 19 August 2022. https://taxsuperandyou.gov.au/competition.
We have winners in from our college in the past years and want students again to participate this year. Please see your humanities teacher or Ms Kaur in junior school for more information.
This term our Year 7-11 Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews will held on 13th September 2022. More information will be given closer to the date. Year 9 Camp information will also be given this term so stay tuned to the updates posted on XUNO and on the Year 9 google classroom. Year 9 camp will be held at Rubicon near Lake Eildon, it is a 2 hour’s drive from school and will be held from Monday 7th to Friday 11th November. More details will be posted later. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Another reminder for parents, if students need to borrow a school computer or need technology assistance or have any other IT related issues please contact the IT office or school immediately.
Lastly, We would like to seek support from all Year 9 families to implement the GEC school uniform policy at school, especially regarding: no nose piercing permitted, only natural hair colours are allowed, plain black lace up shoes and plain black socks are all part of school uniform. All this information is on our school website and in the student planner. If a student can’t wear the expected uniform item, we require a signed note by parents/carers of the student to inform the school of the reason and consent given. The ‘out of uniform’ form is in the student planner. If the student does come in the wrong uniform without a note a consequence will be issued. Further, it is the school policy that no earbud earphones are allowed in the corridor or the school yard due to OHS reasons, and only allowed for educational needs if the class teacher requests them.
Thank you again for your continued support.
Parminder Kaur and Edgar Bonne
Year 9 Coordinators