From the Principal Team

What a great start to semester two – so many great opportunities for students. You will read about these in this newsletter. In a follow-up on previous communications regarding Parent Payments, thank you to parents who have provided positive feedback. Please be aware that we are working with the department to ensure that the programs and curriculum we deliver at Glen Eira College are maintained.
Term 3 Professional Practice Day – Wednesday 7th September
The Department of Education reports that having all staff have their Professional Practice day on the same day in term 2 worked very well. We will do the same in term 3.
School Council has approved Wednesday 7th September as the day.
The only students who are to attend school on this day are students sitting the GAT (General Achievement Test). These are students doing a VCE unit 3 and 4 subject. That is all Year 12 students and any students in Year 10 and 11 who are doing a VCE unit 3 and 4 subject.
All other students are not to attend school and are expected to work remotely. Staff will ensure students have access to work for the day via the Google classroom.
Parent Education Sessions
As part of GEC's commitment to supporting our students through their learning, we recognise the important role that families can play to ensure that support continues at home. I hope you were able to attend the recent sessions: Managing Anxiety & Other Big feelings for Tweens and Supporting students with Maths Learning Difficulties and Dyscalculia.
We have 2 further opportunities this semester.
- 18 August: Reduce Chaos & Increase Calm
Presenter: Carley McGauran
Date: Thursday 18 August
Time: 7.30pm (60 min)
Here is the link for you to register for the webinar:
Once parents register (with an email address and name), you will be emailed a link to the webinar. You will also receive a reminder email on the day of the webinar as well as 15 minutes before start time. The following day, you will receive a link to access the replay. Therefore it is recommended even if parents are unable to attend the live webinar, they register to ensure they can access the replay.
- 17 November: Tackling Tricky Conversations – details to come in term 4.
Course Counselling
Thank you to all our families who attended our Year 9 electives information session and our VCE information evening. Course counselling closes next week. We will then create the 2023 blocks and finalise student courses. Please contact the college if you have any queries or concerns.
Reconciliation Action Plan
A small group have begun work on a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). This has come out of our Building Our Community and Identity (BOCI) committee. We would welcome new members of the group to join us in creating the RAP for our school community. Please let Nick Hamer-Smith know if you are interested.
Uniform Sub Committee
The Uniform Sub Committee is a committee established by school council. We are meeting regularly to review the current uniform policy. The committee consists of parents, students and staff. Please see Nick Hamer-Smith if you are interested in being a part of this committee or if you have any feedback about the uniform policy.
Currently the sub committee is considering a recommendation to council that includes the following new items:
- puffer jacket
- beanie
- new cap
Your feedback on the introduction of these items is welcome. Further opportunities for feedback will be provided.
Parent teacher interviews
Bookings for parent teacher interviews will be available on XUNO closer to the dates.
Year 12 interviews will be online via webex on Thursday 18th August 1.30 – 4.30.
Years 7 – 11 interviews will be held face to face on Tuesday 13th September 2.15pm – 7.15pm.
Please note that on the last day of term students will be dismissed at 2.30pm.
Canteen – It looks like we will be on track to reopen the Canteen on 15th August. Once confirmed we will provide further details.
RATs – If you need any boxes of RATs, they can be collected by you or your child from the General Office at any time.
Bike Racks –All racks are now located on the gym side of Booran Road. Students are reminded that bikes and scooters should be securely locked.
We farewell Rosa Liu who has taken another teaching opportunity and thank Rosa for her wonderful contribution to GEC.
I am delighted to welcome the following new staff:
- Dave Kendrick (Science) replacing Haroula Loucaides while Haroula is our Student Wellbeing Leader for the remainder of term
- Jan Fitzpatrick (Health and Physical Education) – replacing Jenny Sanchez on Long Service Leave
- Helen Amir replacing John Tserkezidis on Long Service Leave for the next few weeks
If you have any wonderings, concerns or feedback, please do not hesitate to call me at the school to talk or arrange a time to meet.
Sheereen Kindler, Nick Hamer- Smith, Aaron Petersen, Loveena Narayanen
Principal Class Team