MHFA’s Young Australian Writers Award

MHFA’s Young Australian Writers Award
In any writing style of your choosing, up to a maximum of 800 words, create a positive contribution to the important topic of Mental Health and Wellbeing faced by young Australians. Take pause to consider how your contribution can acknowledge the challenges, opportunities and complex issues surrounding Mental Health and Wellbeing for young Australians and feel comfortable to explore and propose new and dynamic solutions that others may embrace and pursue. Entries are open Nationally and we welcome all contributions from young Australians under the age of 18.
Terms & Conditions
Pieces submitted must follow the listed conditions. If you wish to submit your piece in a special format (i.e. colour poster, handwritten booklet, CD, etc.), please include a separate sheet which complies with the following conditions:
Typed and double-spaced on A4 white paper
Margins: 2.54 cm on all sides (general Microsoft Word default setting)
Title font: 14pt “Times New Roman”
Text font: 12pt “Times New Roman”
Maximum word limit: 800 words
Entries will be judged by the Board of the Mental Health Foundation of Australia. The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into judging. One writer will be chosen for each prize category for each state.
Awards Presentation
Prizes will be presented to the award recipients at the Official National Launch of National Mental Health Month in each state on Saturday the 1st of October, 2022.
Prize categories
A winner for each of the categories will be selected for each state and territory:
- Upper Primary (Years 5 – 6): $100
- Lower Secondary (Years 7 – 9): $150
- Upper Secondary (Years 10 – 12): $200
Publicity: Some entries may be published by the Foundation in media promotion (i.e. Newsletters and/or on our website) for National Mental Health Month. Students will be contacted and for permission to publish their entries in this case.
Submit your creative piece by 15 August 2022, 11:59pm, all entries are free.