Humanities News

Glen Eira Youth Services School Engagement Program
The Engagement Programme was a great experience that got us to understand new concepts, investigate our school and think of new initiatives to begin. Two meetings were held during the term in which we discussed recycling, waste management and climate change at a global scale while also learning about the responses of the Glen Eira Council to improve these conditions at a local scale. Between each of these meetings, we were assigned to investigate the recycling situation at our schools and make some kind of change. We were even able to reach out to the Glen Eira council to collect free recycling bins and signage for our school. This program has inspired us to continue our journey in improving the school environment.
Jamie Katic and David Scott
Year 9
Tax, Super + You Competition
If you are interested in this competition, please join our enterprising club in even week on Thursdays and check with Ms Kaur or Mattson or your Humanities teacher.
About the competition
If you’re a student in years 7–12, we want you to unleash your creativity and find a new way to tell us about tax and super! Our competition will not only give you an insight into the value of tax and super, but you have the chance to win a share of $7,600 in prizes!
Entry criteria
For your chance to become Australia’s next tax and super creative genius, you must:
- be a student in years 7–12
- be enrolled in the Australian education system
- submit an entry – up to 3 entries per person/group only
- complete a separate entry form for each entry
- complete a film or photo consent form Open in a new window for each person shown in your entry
- comply with the competition’s terms and conditions Open in a new window – including only using music with permission or an appropriate licence.
There’s no cost to enter the competition.
Competition dates
The competition is open now. Entries will close at 5.00pm AEST on Friday 19 August 2022.
What’s in it for you
There’s $7,600 in prizes for the winners and their schools. The following prizes are available in both the Junior and Senior categories:
- First prize winner – $600 plus $600 for their school
- Second prize winner – $400 plus $400 for their school
- Third prize winner – $300 plus $300 for their school
- People’s Choice Award winner – $600 plus $600 for their school.
How to enter
To enter, make a creative project that highlights your topic (which depends on your year at school). The topics are:
- Junior (Year 7–9): Tax, Super + Me – How tax impacts me in my daily life.
- Senior (Year 10–12): Top four things I need to know about tax and super when I start my first job.
There are heaps of SUPER fun ways to enter and there are no limits on the type of entry you can submit. Some examples include:
- Write it: short stories, poems, scripts or case studies
- Make it: artworks, comic strips, songs, animations, prototypes of apps or games
- Film it: videos, skits or music clips.
If you need some inspiration, or want to see what other students have done in the past, check out these links:
Parents Tool Kit