Art News

Architectural Studio Design

Year 9 students had to design a studio for “Kids Under Cover” that showed its interior and exterior within an environment. They applied architectural drawing conventions to both manual and digital drawings. The studio had to suit a sixteen-year-old and was to be no larger than 18 square metres. The digital work was created using SketchUp for Schools.


Alexander Tari
Charli Mann
Constance Gaudey
Genevieve Salinas
Hasini Teddu
Jamie Katic
Kane Hijlkema
Michelle Lerner
Misha Sethi
Olivia Millar
Param Dave
Pierre Alla-Munikihaafata
Shanmukh Chennuri
Alexander Tari
Charli Mann
Constance Gaudey
Genevieve Salinas
Hasini Teddu
Jamie Katic
Kane Hijlkema
Michelle Lerner
Misha Sethi
Olivia Millar
Param Dave
Pierre Alla-Munikihaafata
Shanmukh Chennuri


Unit 3 Design Industry Practice

As part of the Visual Communication Design Unit 3 course, students investigate how the design process is applied in industry to create visual communications. 


Bridie Skinner, the Alumni Program Coordinator at GEC was able to arrange a video session with Bekk Crombie, a former GEC student, and Year 12 Visual Communication Design students.


Bekk, an architect in WA, gave students an insight into practices used to support collaboration between architects, specialists and clients when designing and producing buildings. She shared with the students her journey since graduating from Glen Eira College. Bekk was generous with her time in answering student questions and showing examples of her work. I thank both Bridie and Bekk for their time.



Year 8 Visual Communication Design Bird Mobiles

Alice Jayaweera
Andrew Linardakis
Ari Sioukas
Caitlin Gilfedder
Elizabeth Wong
Erica Yoon
Finn Blackwell
Hayden Amarasinghe
Hayley Keene
Hayley Stephens
Kay Trickey
Keira Nethercote
Marija Rajchevikj
Thanusree Bhupathi
Alice Jayaweera
Andrew Linardakis
Ari Sioukas
Caitlin Gilfedder
Elizabeth Wong
Erica Yoon
Finn Blackwell
Hayden Amarasinghe
Hayley Keene
Hayley Stephens
Kay Trickey
Keira Nethercote
Marija Rajchevikj
Thanusree Bhupathi


Bernadette McIvor: Head of Visual Arts & VCD Teacher 

Ben Wickham: Art Teacher

Karyn Lindner: Art & VCD teacher


GEC Semester 1 Instrumental Music Gala