GECPA Term 3
“Progress cannot be generated when we are satisfied with existing situations.’ Taiichi Ohno
Term 3 is here and I think we should all congratulate ourselves on our efforts in 2022 so far. It hasn't been easy and we still have to ride the remaining winter wave a little longer.
On a brighter note, I thought I would share with you where all your federal Election Day Stall fundraising money went (see image below). Yes, it is a shed! It is also progress. A huge shout-out to one of our Committee members (Paul McNeill) who lobbied, priced, organised and constructed the shed. This improvement was a long time coming. Well done, Paul! And many thanks!
Working Bee
Your GECPA organises a monthly Working Bee, every third Sunday of the month between 3pm - 5pm (meet on Booran Road near the entrance to the College). The new garden shed will help with storing small gardening items for use during the Working Bees. Having all the small garden equipment in one place with save on manual handling and ensure that we can more easily get on with our monthly clean-up. Please join us on 21st August for our next Working Bee.
Next GECPA meetings – Feel free to contact us at:
Nicole Bishop
Convenor, Glen Eira College Parents Association
The GEC Neurodiverse Parent Support Group
We met on 26th June, with six parents attending.
Dr Kate De Bruin (Monash University, Senior Lecturer Inclusion and Disability) shared valuable information with us. We discussed:
1. Building mutually beneficial relationships with teachers.
2. Understanding teacher approach to neurodiversity.
3. The importance of professional development for teachers.
4. Top three goals for an ILP (Individual Learning Plan).
5. The format of a SSG (Student Support Group).
6. NCCD (Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disabilities).
7. The importance of understanding relevant disability and discrimination policies and legislation, namely the Disability Discrimination Act and Disability Standards for Education.
Please get in touch with Alicia (0422566951) or Cathy (0412119807) to attend our next meeting on
Sunday 28 August.
More information
- The Diverse Learners Hub - Disability Inclusion
- Individual Education Plans - The Planning for Personalised Learning and Support document from the Federal government's Department of Education, Skills and Employment: Individual Education Plans and evaluating progress at meetings with school staff.
- Inclusion Toolkit - Aust Alliance for Inclusive Education:
- Consulting with Students Guide Haley Tancredi and associated webinar:
- New Victorian funding model under the Disability Inclusion policy: see Tier 2 funding allocated annually to schools to support students who do not receive individually targeted "Tier 3" funding (formerly PSD funding)
- Learning Difficulties Australia – Maths Dyscalculia
- NDIS funding - specific learning difficulties Podcast
- Support and adjustments for students with learning difficulties - Some great tips on classroom and homework adjustments – Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia – SPELD
- Schools annual obligations to report on the adjustments that they provide to students with disability under the Disability Discrimination and the Disability Standards for Education e.g. learning disabilities (dyslexia, dyscalculia)
Community: What’s on
Youth Art Exhibition: Entries Now Open
Calling all young people aged five to 25 with a link to Glen Eira (live, work or study). Submit your best artwork to be displayed in the annual Youth Art Exhibition — Self-Expression.
Hosted by Glen Eira City Council’s Youth Event and Leadership Team, this event recognises and encourages young people’s creativity and passion for art.
The exhibition will be held at Glen Eira City Council Gallery from Thursday 1 September to Sunday 2 October 2022.
Entries close Friday 19 August, 5pm
Youth Art Exhibition | Glen Eira City Council
Insta Poetry
Join 100 Story Building and create a fun poetry piece for the gram
Instapoetry is a style of written poetry that emerged after the advent of social media. Join 100 Story Building and learn how to create this unique form of personal and reflective short-form poetry.
For ages 12 and up. Free but bookings essential.
This session is a partnership event between Glen Eira Libraries and Youth Services.
Tuesday, 09 August 20224:00 PM - 5:30 PM
McKinnon Library and Youth Services - Djeembana Room
Insta Poetry | Glen Eira Library
Spotlight on: hoopla- Instantly read, listen and watch with hoopla
With hoopla digital you can borrow movies, music, e-audiobooks, e-books, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV!
Titles can be streamed immediately or downloaded to phones or tablets to watch offline later. There are hundreds of thousands of titles to choose from, with more being added daily.
The best bit? hoopla is free with your library membership!
Cathy McNaughton, Editor, GECPA Newsletter
Contributors: Tessa Spanneberg, Nicole Bishop